Asian Journal of Law and Society
【编者按】《亚洲法与社会杂志》(Asian Journal of Law and Society)是由上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)及其前身法社会学研究中心(LSC)为凯原法学院与剑桥大学出版社合作出版的全英文学术期刊。目前订购数超过8500户,其中超过6000是机构订户。仅在剑桥出版社的期刊平台,仅在2018年,这份新兴期刊的全文下载数就达到10000次以上。据最近获得的权威信息,本刊在SCOPUS引文数据库排行榜已经上升到第二方阵,也已经被纳入ESCI (Emerging Scholars Citation Index)引文数据库,并有望在近期达到SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) 数据库的收录标准。
在《亚洲法与社会杂志》创刊10周年之际,期刊共同主编和编辑委员会的构成根据性别和国别代表原则有所变更。其中共同主编宫泽节生(Setsuo Miyazawa)因为全面退休而辞去主编职务,接替他的是来自日本神户大学的金子由芳(Yuka Kaneko)教授(女)。编委会成员中,有九名成员届满离任,新增了加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校Swethaa Ballaskrishnan教授、墨尔本大学Sarah Biddulph教授、台湾大学Wen-Chen Chang教授、新南威尔士大学Melissa Crouch教授、耶鲁大学Rohit De副教授、北京大学戴昕(Xin Dai)副教授、牛津大学尹孟修(Matthew Erie)副教授、香港大学顾维遐(Weixia Gu)副教授、东京大学平田彩子(Ayako Hirata)副教授、莱顿大学Hoko Horii教授、卡尔加里大学柳倩(Qian Liu)助理教授、不列颠哥伦比亚大学Renisa Mawani教授、神户大学的宫泽节生(Setsuo Miyazawa)教授、 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校Rachel Stern教授、朱拉隆功大学Arm Tungnirun讲师、印度尼西亚大学Dyah Wirastri讲师、复旦大学许多奇(Duoqi Xu)教授、清华大学于晓虹(Xiaohong Yu)副教授、澳门大学於兴中(Xingzhong Yu)教授、耶鲁大学张泰苏(Taisu Zhang)教授。(按照姓氏拼音顺序排列)
本期集中推送杂志第9卷第3期(2023年2月)的目录,以方便读者查阅和引用,也可方便研究者了解本刊录用稿件的方针和特色。欢迎大家积极参与全英文学术期刊Asian Journal of Law and Society的建设,在这个平台上构筑一个跨学科、跨国界的知识共同体!
Monarchical Constitutional Guardianship and Legal Métissage in Asia
马尔捷·德·维瑟(Maartje De Visser),新加坡管理大学法学院
安德鲁·哈丁(Andrew Harding),新加坡国立大学法学院
Abstract: This article presents a roadmap for examining the phenomenon of monarchy in Asia, which weconceive as a pluralist institution in a twofold manner. First, many monarchies discharge a widerange of roles and responsibilities ranging from the symbolic to the religious to the legal-political.These varied functions can be usefully captured under the notion of constitutional guardianship, andcall for intersectional analysis. Second, it is common for monarchies to have metamorphosed frombeing purely endogenous institutions to becoming ones embedded in a scheme of limited, constitutionalgovernment under the influence of ideas from elsewhere. Monarchies should accordingly beviewed as a form of legal métissage, viz. a braiding of local and extraneous ideas, practices, and rules. In this sense, a law-and-society approach is more likely to reveal the nature of monarchies than astrictly legal-doctrinal approach, although some of the latter is needed to fully appreciate the former’s significance.
Keywords: monarchies; constitutional guardianship; legal métissage; constitutional interpretation; constitutional identity; symbolism
A Constitutional Ethnography of Monarchy: Buddhist Kingship, “Granted Constitutionalism, ” and Royal State Ceremonies in Thailand
欧仁妮·梅里奥 (Eugénie Mérieau),巴黎第一大学法学院,潘提翁-索邦分校
Abstract: This paper defines constitutional ethnography as the cultural study of constitutionalism through itssymbolic representations. By focusing on the materiality of constitutionalism as embodied in variousstate ceremonies such as ceremonies of “royal octroy” (constitution-granting ceremonies) as well asin state monuments honouring the Constitution, it strives to offer an ethnography of a polity’sconstitutional identity. In this paper, I argue that in Thailand, Westernized Hindu-Buddhist stateceremonies and monuments using Westernized Hindu-Buddhist symbolism represent the Thaimonarch as the ultimate law-giver holding permanent “constituent power” and therefore yieldingextra-constitutional customary powers pre-existing the Constitution. This representation, in turn, informs Thai constitutional identity as defined incrementally by courts and jurists since the earlytwentieth century, which in turn informs present Thai constitutional interpretation. Therefore, thispaper argues that the study of state ceremonies can be a useful entry point into the analysis of a “constitutional culture” shaping modes of constitutional interpretation.
Keywords: Thailand; monarchy; Buddhist kingship; state ceremonies; constitutional ethnography; constitutional culture
The Symbolic Safeguard: Royal Absence in Cambodia’s Constitutional Monarchy
本·劳伦斯 (Ben Lawrence),新加坡国立大学法律系
Abstract: The product of an internationalized peace process, Cambodia’s 1993 Constitution restored the monarchy and endowed the Crown with a political safeguarding role that successive kings have beenunable to fulfil in practice. After a brief survey of the tragic modern history of Cambodia’s monarchy,this paper outlines the formal constitutional role of the king, highlighting the central dichotomybetween the provisions that promise that the king “shall reign but shall not govern” and those thatprovide the king a more active role as “guarantor.” The paper highlights how this fundamental ambiguity has been borne-out publicly, by focusing on a handful of specific instances in which both KingSihanouk and King Sihamoni are understood to have been strategically absent from the country toavoid signing controversial legislation. Short of providing a veto power in the legislative process, theking’s safeguarding role is shown to manifest in the symbolic denial of royal legitimacy.
Keywords: Cambodia; monarchy; constitutional law; legitimacy; politics
The Malay Monarchies in Constitutional and Social Conception
安德鲁·哈丁 (Andrew Harding),新加坡国立大学法律系哈山·库马拉辛厄姆 (Harshan Kumarasingham),爱丁堡大学社会与政治科学学院
Abstract: This article examines the constitutional nature of the Malaysian monarchies in their social context.We discuss the evolution of the monarchies through pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial history,and account for their survival despite several attempts to curb their powers, including restriction ofthe royal assent and sovereign immunity. It is argued that the powers of the monarchies respond totheir historical role and social embeddedness constitutional monarchy; Malay monarchy; heads of state; constitutional conventions; royal powers: constitutional monarchy; Malay monarchy; heads of state; constitutional conventions;royal powers of the monarchies, stretching the role of the Rulersbeyond the Westminster norms as set out in constitutional texts. Moving to contemporary issues, we see the assertion of the right to uphold the Constitution in relation to prime-ministerial appointments, and acting on advice. Here, the monarchies reflect a braiding of both traditional elements andWestminster constitutional norms.
Keywords: constitutional monarchy; Malay monarchy; heads of state; constitutional conventions; royal powers
Beyond the Sharia State: Public Celebrations and Everyday State-Making in the Malay Islamic Monarchy of Brunei Darussalam
多米尼克·M.穆勒(Dorminik M. Müller)埃尔朗根-纽伦堡弗里德里希-亚历山大大学,社会学研究所
Abstract: This article describes post-colonial state-making in the absolute monarchy of Brunei. After detailing the Sultan’s powers, contextualizing the monarchy’s stability, and introducing its state ideology, Melayu Islam Beraja (“MIB”), the article addresses formal laws, such as Brunei’s Constitution and a new Islamic penal code, which are symbolically significant for the MIB state’s (self-)legitimation but have little immediate relevance to many Bruneians’ lives. The article, therefore, shifts its focus to normative spheres that receive much less scholarly attention but, arguably, should—namely state-rituals like the Sultan’s three-week-long birthday celebrations. These, and other non-legal spheres, including, also, royal speeches, contain normative aspects that reflect and impact key developments in the MIB state. Grounded in the Royal Birthday’s and Islamic penal code’s analysis, the final part problematizes stereotypes of Brunei being a “sharia state” vis-à-vis its multidirectional normative messages and ability to hybridize broad cultural influences for the ruling system’s benefit.
Keywords: Brunei Darussalam; absolute monarchy; everyday state-making; Royal Birthday; Islamic law
关键词: 文莱达鲁萨兰国;绝对君主制;日常国家建构;王室生日;伊斯兰法
The Progressive Monarchy of Bhutan: A Not-So-Absolute Monarchy to a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
尼玛·多吉(Nima Dorji) 吉格梅-辛格-旺楚克法律学院
Abstract: This article provides a descriptive account of the evolution of the Bhutanese monarchy, and normative claims about its endurance and its nature, suggesting that the monarchy is both the expression of as well as the guardian of the country’s constitutional identity. Bhutan became a democratic constitutional monarchy by adopting the written Constitution in 2008 after a successful 100 years of hereditary monarchy. The willingness of successive monarchs to evolve based on changing times, their ability to ensure stability and continuity, and work for the benefits of the people and country guided by the principles of Buddhist kingship seem to have contributed not only in them benefitting from unqualified support of the people, but also in attaining the status of an expression of Bhutanese constitutional identity.
Keywords: constitutional monarchy; GNH; Kidu; constitutional identity; dualsystem; Dharmaraja
Policing Terrorism in the Chinese Community: A Critical Analysis
李英申(Enshen Li) 澳大利亚昆士兰大学伯恩法学院
Abstract: After the 9/11 incidents, global counter-terrorism efforts have focused increasingly on community policing as a proactive and preventive approach to thwarting terrorism. This article explores the developments, tensions, and prospects of counter-terrorism community policing (“CTCP”) in China. By applying the concepts of police legitimacy and social capital to the normative and operational framework of CTCP, I argue that this vital counter-terrorism endeavour is fraught with problems, for both Chinese police to procure effective civic co-operation and the local community to develop its capacity as a self-reliant player in preventing terrorism. More specifically, community co-operation in China’s CTCP is largely an obligatory process in the form of forced mobilization by local bureaucracies that does not necessarily entail trust and support from citizens based on their legitimacy judgement. My analysis on social capital building in Chinese communities further suggests that both police and citizens are unable to form deep and meaningful partnerships for counter-terrorism. While an authoritarian regime like China is reluctant to cede substantial power and authority to people in most of all aspects of policing, the public has become apathetictowards and alienated from voluntary collaboration with police in formal community affairs—a dichotomy lies between reality and ideal in China’s CTCP.
Keywords: China; terrorism; community policing; procedural justice; social capital
Mandating Symbolic Patriotism: China’s Flag and Anthem in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
布伦丹·克利夫特(Brendan Clift) 墨尔本大学法学院
Abstract: The Hong Kong statute criminalizing disrespect of the Chinese national anthem, passed in 2020, is one of many recent moves to suppress political dissent in the former British colony. The law restricts freedom of political expression, but its constitutionality is practically assured courtesy of earlier decisions upholding laws against flag desecration. This article draws on sociological and political literature to argue that symbolic nationalism, particularly when given the force of law, is a tool of the authoritarian state. Against this backdrop, it critically and comparatively analyses Hong Kong judicial decisions upholding the suppression of symbolic dissent, assessing their doctrinal coherence, normative defensibility, and consequences. It concludes with observations on the efficacy of attempts to enforce patriotic orthodoxy and on how deference to authoritarianism affects the rule of law.
Keywords: National symbols; freedom of expression; political dissent; authoritarianism; Hong Kong
书 评
Thailand’s Monarchy and Constitutional History - Constitutional Bricolage: Thailand’s Sacred Monarchy vs. the Rule of Law.
By Eugenie Mérieau. London: Hart Publishing, 2021, 328 pp. Hardcover $90.00
《泰国的君主政体和宪政史——宪法拼凑:泰国的神圣君主政体vs法治》,作者:Eugenie Mérieau
History and Meaning of Establishing the Constitutions of North-East Asian States - Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia.
Edited by Kevin Y. L. Tan and Michael Ng. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2022. 256 pp. Hardcover $115.00
《东北亚国家立宪的历史与意义——东北亚的立宪》,主编:Kevin Y. L. Tan和Michael Ng
Winner, 2020 Distinguished Book Award, Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA), Anna High, Non-Governmental Orphan Relief in China: Law, Policy, and Practice (Routledge, 2019)
《中国的非政府孤儿救助:法律、政策与实践》(亚洲法律与社会协会,2020年杰出图书得主),作者:Anna High