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《亚洲法与社会杂志》目录(2021)Volume 8, Issue 1
2021年08月25日 【作者】中国法与社会研究院 预览:



Asian Journal of Law and Society

【编者按】《亚洲法与社会杂志》(Asian Journal of Law and Society)是由上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)及其前身法社会学研究中心(LSC)为凯原法学院与剑桥大学出版社合作出版的全英文学术期刊。目前订购数超过8500户,其中超过6000是机构订户。仅在剑桥出版社的期刊平台,仅在2018年,这份新兴期刊的全文下载数就达到10000次以上。据最近获得的权威信息,本刊在SCOPUS引文数据库排行榜已经上升到第二方阵,也已经被纳入ESCI (Emerging Scholars Citation Index)引文数据库,并有望在2021年左右达到SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) 数据库的收录标准。(参阅 号外丨《亚洲法与社会杂志》在2020年JCI排名榜中居世界法学期刊第76名,冲进Q1方阵

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Religious Nationalism and Religious Freedom in Asia: Mapping Regional Trends in a Global Phenomenon


Jaclyn Neo, 新加坡国立大学

Brett G. Scharffs,杨百翰大学

Abstract: In recent times, religious nationalism has emerged as a major basis for identity and mobilization. In Asia, religious nationalism specifically challenges existing pluralist approaches to constitutional government, which have generally been seen as necessary to ensure peaceful coexistence. The increasing alignment of religious and national boundaries has the worrying capacity to neutralize the “cross-cutting cleavages” that could otherwise vitiate the centrifugal tendencies of pluralistic societies. In the context of pluralistic Asia, therefore, religious nationalism is fundamentally anchored in a rejection of ethnic, religious, cultural, and even legal plurality. This has serious consequences for the freedoms of religious groups, particularly minority groups and minorities within dominant religious groups. This article introduces the Special Issue studying not only the phenomenon of religious nationalism in Asia, but also its impact on the rights of religious groups and their religious freedoms, broadly conceived.


Keywords: religious nationalism, religious freedom, constitutional law, pluralism, rights

关键词: 宗教民族主义,宗教自由,宪法,多元主义,权利

Intimate Rivals: The Freedom of Religious Nationalism


Gilad Abiri, 耶鲁大学法学院

Abstract: In this article, I argue that religious nationalism poses a unique challenge to the liberal theory of religious freedom. In arguing this, the article first develops and defines an ideal type of religious nationalism through an analysis of Hindu-nationalist and religious Zionist thought. I show that religious nationalism in states like India and Israel have the unique status of intimate rivals. They are intimate since they are able to successfully present themselves as the carriers of the authentic character of the nation-state and utilize modern political tools. As a result, they are free of much of the unifying pressures of state nationalism. And they are rivals because they promote a vision of society and politics that fundamentally challenges the political identity of the state. The paper then turns to the justifications and rationales of religious freedom—both in seminal cases and in political and legal scholarship—and applies them to religious nationalism. It argues that the status of intimate rivalry should, depending on which justification of religious freedom we adhere to, change the way in which we morally and legally understand religious nationalism. First, because religious nationalism is intimate—that is, acceptable and mainstream—it should be approached as a part of the culture of the majority. This implies that we should be less concerned about infringements of religious freedom in the case of the adherents and organizations of religious nationalism. Second, the rivalry of religious nationalism is in itself a good reason for the nation-state not to accommodate it.


Keywords: law and religion, religious freedom, religious nationalism, Hindu nationalism, religious Zionism


Minority Rights and Hindu Nationalism in India


Peter van der Veer,哥廷根马克斯-普朗克宗教和民族多样性研究中心

Abstract: In this paper, I want to focus on some aspects of the political process in India that have an impact on the treatment of religious minorities. Much of the discussion on multicultural jurisdictions deals with differentiated citizenship rights that allow religious groups to maintain their normative universe. This literature shows the tensions surrounding individual and group rights. I want to approach the question of religious freedom from a rather different angle. I want to first focus on the protection of bare life in the face of religious violence and then examine the issue of conversion from one religion to another. The issues of human security and conversion are linked in India, since Hindu nationalists see Muslims as forcibly converted Hindus who should be reconverted. To highlight the importance of majoritarian nationalism rather than political systems in the treatment of religious minorities, I offer a brief comparison with China.


Keywords: minority, nationalism, Hindus, Muslims, violence


A Secular Failure: Sectarianism and Communalism in Shayara Bano v. Union of India

世俗的失败:Shayara Bano诉印度案中的宗派主义和社群主义

Jeffrey A. Redding,墨尔本大学法学院

Abstract: Proponents of secularism often describe their support for this form of governance in terms of the protections it provides against the excesses, dangers, and coercions of religious governance. In reality, however, the differences between secular and religious systems of governance are often overstated, with secularism’s promises being in conversation with secularism’s failures. This article explores one recent and important instance of such secular failure, namely the high-profile Indian case of Shayara Bano v. Union of India deciding the legal legitimacy of “tripletalaq,” a common Indian Muslim divorce practice. During the litigation of this case, a prominent Indian Muslim organization ended up engaging in sectarian modes of argumentation, whereby aspersions were cast on the Muslim bona fides of certain persons and communities. Further, in the course of deciding Shayara Bano, a religiously diverse set of Indian Supreme Court justices found themselves disagreeing along communal lines about either the necessity or ability of the secular state to “reform” Muslim family law. In all this, sectarian and communitarian divisions in India were heightened, and the social peace and religious freedom promised by secularism were severely undermined.

摘要:世俗主义的支持者在描述他们对这种治理安排的支持时,通常认为它提供了针对于宗教治理的过度、危险和胁迫的防护。然而,在现实中,世俗和宗教治理体系之间的差异往往被夸大了,人们拿世俗主义的成功迹象与世俗主义的失败相对照。本文探讨了此类世俗主义失败的一个最近且重要的实例,即备受瞩目的印度案例 Shayara Bano 诉印度案,该案认定了“tripletalaq”(一种常见的印度穆斯林离婚做法)的合法性。在此案的诉讼过程中,一个著名的印度穆斯林组织最终采用了宗派主义式的论证,诽谤某些人和社群不是虔诚的穆斯林。此外,在判定Shayara Bano 案的过程中,一个宗教上多元化的印度最高法院法官群体发现,他们在世俗国家“改革”穆斯林家庭法的必要性或能力问题上,存在沿着群体线的分歧。这一切都体现出,印度的宗派和社群分裂加剧,世俗主义所承诺的社会和平和宗教自由受到严重破坏。

Keywords: India, secularism, Islam, talaq, divorce


The Revival of Buddhist Nationalism in Thailand and Its Adverse Impact on Religious Freedom


Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang, 朱拉隆功大学

Abstract: Triggered by the sense of crisis, the Thai state and Thai Buddhism are renewing their traditional relationship kindled by the monarch-led reform over a century ago. Thai Buddhism is reviving its lost aura and hegemony while the political conservatives are looking for legitimacy and collective identity in a time of democratic regression. The result is the rise of the Buddhist-nationalistic movement, Buddhist-as-Thainess notion. The phenomenon has grown more mainstream in recent years.These extreme Buddhists pressure the government to adopt a new constitutional relationship that brings the two entities closer to a full establishment. They also target both religious minorities as well as non-mainstream Buddhists. The revival of Buddhist nationalism foretells rising tension as well as diminishing religious freedom.


Keywords: Thai Buddhism, royalist nationalism, Thai Constitution, Dhammakaya, anti-Muslim Movement


Disciplining the Accepted and Amputating the Deviants: Religious Nationalism and Segregated Citizenship in Indonesia


Deasy Simandjuntak 新加坡尤索夫伊萨东南亚研究院

Abstract: T. H. Marshall’s 1950 seminal work shows that the granting of civil, political, and social rights leads to the institutionalization of rules binding the state and its citizens. In practice, however, citizenship goes beyond these unproblematized paternalistic relations. It is political, involving connection, competition, and conflicts. Isin and Turner (2002) propose that “citizenship” should be examined through its extent (norms of inclusion and exclusion), content (rights and responsibility), and depth (citizens’ perceived relation to their political community). In Indonesia, the discrimination against members of minority religions by Islamic conservative groups is among the main issues in politics. This article therefore examines the ambiguity between the constitutionally embraced “religious freedom” and the everyday discriminatory practices of conservative groups. Taking the case-studies of the sectarian campaign against a Chinese-Christian governor, the blasphemy sentence of a Chinese-Buddhist woman, and the persecution of the Ahmadiyah and Syiah, I argue that conservative groups have practised a “segregated citizenship” that prioritizes the values and interests of the majority religion against those of both the “accepted” and the “unaccepted” minority religions.

摘要:T. H. Marshall在1950年的开创性著作中表明,民事权利、政治权利和社会权利的授予导致了约束国家及其公民的规则的制度化。然而,在实践中,公民权超越了这些不成问题的家长式关系。它是政治性的,涉及联系、竞争和冲突。Isin和Turner(2002)提出,“公民权”应该通过其程度(接纳和排斥的规范)、内容(权利和责任)和深度(公民感知到的与政治社群的关系)来考察。在印度尼西亚,伊斯兰保守派团体对少数宗教成员的歧视是政治中的主要问题之一。因此,本文研究了宪法赋予的“宗教自由”与保守派团体的日常歧视性做法之间的模糊地带。我以针对一位华裔基督徒州长的教派运动、对一位华裔佛教徒女性的渎神判决以及对阿赫迈底亚教派与什叶教派的迫害为例,论证了保守派团体实行了一种“隔离的公民权”,即将多数派宗教的价值观和利益置于“被接受的”和“不被接受的”的少数派宗教之上。

Keywords: segregated citizenship, religious nationalism, religious freedom, religious harmony, blasphemy, Indonesia


The Excuse of (il)legality in Discriminating and Persecuting Religious Minorities: Anti-Mosque Legal Violence in Myanmar


Nyi Nyi Kyaw,新加坡国立大学亚洲研究所

Abstract: This article highlights the convenient excuse of (il)legality used by (1) religious majoritarian mobs to justify attacks against places of worship and religious buildings of minorities; and (2) police and local authorities to absolve themselves of the failure to uphold public order and the rule of law, protect religious minorities, and to punish religious minorities. This article traces the emergence of legal violence in the form of anti-mosque vigilante extremism in Myanmar from 2012 onwards and analyzes cases of attacks against: (1) “illegal” mosques; (2) madrasas being used as or reconstructed into mosques; (3) buildings allegedly being constructed as mosques; (4) private homes and public spaces being used as mosques; and cases of (5) closed mosques not being allowed to reopen. The author primarily used Myanmar-language resources as well as interviews to conduct the research.


Keywords: Legality, legal violence, anti-mosque extremism, religious minorities, Myanmar





Editorial of “Diginity in East Asian Law and Society”


Setsuo MIYAZAWA,加州大学黑斯廷斯法学院法学教授和东亚法律研究项目主任


The Collaborative Research Network 33 on East Asian Law and Society (CRN33) of the Law and Society Association (LSA) has organized sessions based on the general themes of the LSA annual meetings since 2017. The general theme of the 2019 LSA annual meeting was “Dignity.” The theme was explained as follows:

Dignity embraces justice, rights, rule of law, respect for humanity and diversity as well as a commitment to human engagement, subjects that have been central in the law and society tradition. Dignity is a core idea in many different legal traditions and is shaped by a variety of struggles. It provides a bridge across cultures intersecting with diverse values and identities. Recognizing this central idea as our theme when we meet this year in Washington D.C.—at a moment of social anxiety and global uncertainty—focuses our attention on the promise, values and unrealized potential of dignity and will highlight the role of values we examine law in society. The 2019 Law and Society Annual Meeting will initiate our consideration of the place, role and visions of dignity through a number of mini-plenary sessions that will take up the idea in its different forms.

As an Executive Member of the CRN33, I circulated a call for papers to its members for a session on “Dignity in East Asian Law and Society.” Eight papers were accepted, including seven single-authored papers and one co-authored paper. I divided them into two sessions: “Dignity in East Asian Law and Society (1)” and “Dignity in East Asian Law and Society (2).” Each session had four papers and I recruited a discussant for each of them. These sessions were held on 1 June 2019 and I chaired both. I invited all the presenters and discussants to submit their papers to the Asian Journal of Law and Society. Ultimately, two papers were submitted: Terence C. Halliday and Sida Liu, “Dignity Discourses in China’s Struggles for Basic Legal Freedoms,” and Qian Liu, “Relational Dignity, State Law, and Chinese Leftover Women’s Choices in Marriage and Childbearing.” Furthermore, one of the discus- sants, Amy Huey-Ling Shee, also submitted a paper, “Construction of Socio-Legal Dignity for Old Persons: Narrative Perspectives from Taiwan.” These three papers respectively discuss “dignity” in relation to such critical issues as cause lawyering, women, and the elderly, and I believe that they deserve publication in the AJLS to enrich the socio-legal literature on law and society in Asia.


法社会学学会(LSA)的东亚法律与社会合作研究网络33(CRN33)自2017年以来,根据LSA年会的一般主题组织会议。2019年LSA年会的一般主题是 "尊严"。该主题的解释如下:


作为CRN33的执行成员,我向其成员发出了关于 "东亚法律和社会中的尊严 "会议的论文征集通知。有八篇论文被接受,包括七篇单篇论文和一篇合著的论文。我把它们分为两个部分,"东亚法律与社会的尊严(1)"和 "东亚法律与社会的尊严(2)"。每场会议有四篇论文,我为每场会议招募了一名讨论者。这些会议于2019年6月1日举行,我主持了这两次会议。我邀请所有演讲者和讨论者向《亚洲法律与社会杂志》提交他们的论文。最终,提交了两篇论文:Terence C. Halliday和Sida Liu,"中国争取基本法律自由的过程中的尊严话语",以及Qian Liu,"关系性尊严、国家法律和中国剩女在婚姻和生育中的选择"。此外,讨论者之一Amy Huey-Ling Shee也提交了一篇论文:"老年人社会法律尊严的建构——来自台湾地区的叙事视角"。这三篇论文分别讨论了 "尊严 "与活动律师、妇女和老人等关键议题之间的关系。我认为它们值得在《亚洲法与社会杂志》上发表,以丰富关于亚洲法律和社会的法社会学文献。

Keywords: LSA annual meeting, dignity, law and society


Dignity Discourses in Struggles for Basic Legal Freedoms in China


Terence C. Halliday,美国律师基金会和澳大利亚国立大学

Sida Liu,多伦多大学

Abstract: How do dignity discourses shift the framing of struggles for basic legal freedoms? Based on our decade-long empirical research on lawyers and politics in China, we provide a theoretical intervention in a burgeoning socio-legal scholarship on dignity in this article. Drawing inductively from in-depth interviews, we find that a powerful current of dignity consciousness and sentiment, joined by an acute awareness of dignity harms, flows through the community of Chinese activist lawyers. Their dignity discourses can be witnessed and explained in four streams of awareness: (1) dignity experienced as an ideal in juridical, philosophical, and theological idioms; (2) dignity takings experienced indirectly and directly in the property takings of clients’ homes, farms, and livelihood; (3) assaults on dignity through property takings of spaces of religious worship; and (4) the takings of professional dignity from the lawyers charged with defending the dignity of others. This article points to the value of dignity framings in the general theory of collective action for basic legal freedoms.


Keywords: dignity,discourse,China,lawyers,property rights,religion


Relational Dignity, State Law, and Chinese Leftover Women’s Choices in Marriage and Childbearing


Qian Liu,维多利亚大学

Abstract: Legal scholars tend to understand dignity as an intrinsic value that each individual gains at birth. This article aims to rethink dignity from a relational perspective. As dignity is highly dependent on other people’s judgement and evaluations in China, I use “relational dignity” to stress the precarious and relational nature of dignity in societies in which people attach great importance to guanxi networks. I discuss how relational dignity and state law interact to shape leftover women’s choices in marriage and childbearing. The precarious and relational nature of dignity motivates leftover women to follow dominant social norms in order to fit in. As a result, it reinforces state law’s discrimination against unmarried women and single mothers. On the other hand, the rubber-stamp quality of state law enables leftover women to use legal recognition to win societal recognition and attain relational dignity.


Keywords: dignity, face, guanxi, marriage, leftover women


Construction of Socio-Legal Dignity for Old Persons: Narrative Perspectives from Taiwan


Amy Huey-Ling Shee,台湾中正大学法学教授、台湾法律资讯中心主任

Abstract: Contemporary laws have been responding to the challenges of ageing societies. Elder people have gradually become a special, if not disadvantaged, social group to be protected, cared for, and even censored by law in the name of protection. The UN has long discussed a Convention to protect the distinctive human rights of old persons while invoking the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to protect the dignity of senior citizens. Under national laws, adult-guardianship, welfare, and medical laws are strengthened in the name of better elder care, yet forcing old people to give up the freedom and autonomy that they have enjoyed throughout adulthood. This paper thus argues for the socio-legal construction of “elderhood” to respond to the special needs of senior citizens to maintain individual dignity. By observing narrative accounts of elders in care, socio-legal images of Taiwan elderhood may be presented for analyses. A proposal is then made to suggest the socio-legal construction of the individual dignity of elder people.


Keywords: dignity, autonomy, adult guardianship, CRPD, human right

关键词: 尊严,自主权,成人监护,残疾人权利公约,人权




Population, Fertility and Family Planning: Contraceptive Method Mix in Asian Countries By Aditi KUNDU & Bhaswati DAS New Delhi: Rawat Publications, 2019. 248 pp. Hardcover $45.00

《人口,生育率和计划家庭:亚洲国家中的混合避孕方法》(新德里:Rawat Publications,2019年)

Population policy and contraceptive choice


Sayak Dutta, Nandita Saikia

Civil Jury Trials Could Change Japan [Minji Baishin Saiban Ga Nihon Wo Kaeru] By Osamu NIIKURA, Satoru SHINOMIYA, Hiroshi FUKURAI, & Takayuki II Tokyo: Nihon Hyōronsha, 2020. 288 pp. Hardcover $35.00.


Civil juries in Okinawa’s past and Japan’s future


Colin P. A. Jones

Transboundary Environmental Governance in Asia: Practice and Prospects with the UNECE Agreements By Simon Marsden & Elizabeth Brandon Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015. 384 pp. Hardcover $212.00

《跨境环境治理在亚洲:UNECE协议下的实践和前景》(英国:Edward Elgar Publishing,2015年)

Environmental governance in Asia


Mehran Idris Khan

Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine By Noura ERAKAT Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019. 352 pp. Hardcover $30.00


International Law for Freedom


Robin Gabriel