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《亚洲法与社会杂志》目录(2020)Volume 7, Issue 2
2021年06月08日 预览:


【编者按】《亚洲法与社会杂志》(Asian Journal of Law and Society)是由上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)及其前身法社会学研究中心(LSC)为凯原法学院与剑桥大学出版社合作出版的全英文学术期刊。目前订购数超过8500户,其中超过6000是机构订户。仅在剑桥出版社的期刊平台,仅在2018年,这份新兴期刊的全文下载数就达到10000次以上。据最近获得的权威信息,本刊在SCOPUS引文数据库排行榜已经上升到第二方阵,也已经被纳入ESCI (Emerging Scholars Citation Index)引文数据库,并有望在2021年左右达到SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) 数据库的收录标准。

本期集中推送杂志第7卷第2期(2020年6月)的目录,以方便读者查阅和引用,也可方便研究者了解本刊录用稿件的方针和特色。欢迎大家积极参与全英文学术期刊Asian Journal of Law and Society的建设,在这个平台上构筑一个跨学科、跨国界的知识共同体!



Lynette J. CHUA,新加坡国立大学法学教授

I am honoured to be invited to write this foreword for the Asian Journal of Law & Society’s first special-themed issue on sex work. Since its launch in 2015, this Journal has published special-themed issues on subject matters important to Asian law and society scholarship, such as religion, development, legal education, and legal consciousness. This issue continues the tradition by featuring three articles about sex work based on research at three different Asian sites – Japan, Taiwan, and Nepal.

In “Beyond ‘Sex Work’: Japanese Night Work and ‘Shakai-Keiken’,” Aki Kurosawa focuses on “night work,” a type of sex work in Japan that revolves around drinking and conversing with clients. She collected interview and observational data to understand why college women enter this line of work, how they conceptualize the nature of “night work,” and what they gain from engaging in it.

In “Control of Commercial Sex in Taiwan: Observations from Gender and Legal Perspectives,” Carol Lin et al. analyzed legal documents, historical materials, as well as secondary literature to describe how sex work in Taiwan underwent stages of regulation and deregulation from the Qing dynasty up to the contemporary era. Later in the article, they propose an alternative legal model that they argue will better empower and protect sex workers.

In “Advocating Sex Workers’ Rights by Identity-Based Associations in Nepal,” Masako Tanaka examines secondary literature and reports to provide a survey of the legal status of sex work as well as the different types of sex work and sex workers in Nepal. She also draws from interviews with activists from two nonprofit organizations to describe contrasting approaches toward the rights of sex workers.

Although the three articles focus on details specific to their respective research sites and do not employ similar research methods, they illustrate a few common themes in law and society research on sex work. One is the expansive meaning of sex work – as defined (or not defined) by law and as characterized by sex workers, their customers, and others. The meaning of sex work can vary based on the type of services provided or based on the place of work, and thus intersect differently with state law as well as non-state law, such as societal norms and rules about sexual conduct and women’s sexuality. Sex work also means different things to sex workers, their customers, other actors involved in the trade, as well as activists and law enforcement. Hence, another theme is the persistent challenge of legality. The three articles show that sex workers, no matter where they are, face criminalization by state law, persecution by the authorities, or stigmatization by others in their societies.

From the themes about sex work’s variegated meanings and its persistent challenge with legality, the three articles can be linked to broader law and society research, even though the authors did not explicitly make such connections themselves. One area of research is the study of legal consciousness. All three articles allude to possibilities of studying how sex workers – or activists, in Tanaka’s case – understand state or non-state law and how such understandings matter to the ways in which they conceptualize themselves, their actions and feelings, and their dealings with others, such as customers and the police. An example of this kind of study is Margaret Boittin’s research, based on extensive interviews and observations, on sex workers in China. Another area is the study of legal mobilization – how people use the law to define, express, or make claims about their grievances. The legal precarity of sex work raises the question of whether sex workers turn to law, why (and why not), and in what ways. Among the three articles, Tanaka’s focus on activists perhaps more clearly relates to legal mobilization. But it is also possible to read the other two articles, by Kurosawa and Lin et al., as lending themselves to this kind of exploration. In Boittin’s study, for example, some interviewees talked about having basic rights, protested against government crackdowns, or called for the legalization of sex work. In short, the articles in this special-themed issue suggests the potential of doing law and society research on sex work in Asia, and I look forward to reading more about it in this Journal and other law and society publications.


在《超越“性工作”:日本的夜间工作(‘Night Work’)和社会经验(‘Shakai-Keiken’)”》一文中,Aki Kurosawa聚焦于“夜间工作” 展开研究,这是日本一种围绕饮酒和与客人交谈的性工作。作者在访谈和观察的基础上了解女大学生为什么要从事这一工作,她们如何定义“夜间工作”的性质以及她们从中获得了什么。

在《对台湾商业性行为的监管:从性别和法律角度的观察》一文中,Carol Lin等人分析了法律文件、历史资料以及二手文献,描绘了自清朝至当代,台湾对性工作进行规制和去规制的不同阶段。在文章的后半部分,作者们提出一种具有替代性的法律模型,以更好地赋予性工作者自主权以及对性工作者的保护。

在《性工作者的权利由尼泊尔关于身份的协会负责倡导》一文中,Masako Tanaka利用二手文献和报告,为我们呈现了尼泊尔性工作者的法律地位、性工作和性工作者的不同类型。基于与两个非营利组织中维权人士的访谈,她还描述了主张性工作者权利保障的两种不同路径。


这些关于性工作的多元意义以及持续的合法律性挑战都可以与更为广泛的法律与社会研究联系起来,尽管诸位作者自己没有明确建立这种联系。一个相关的研究领域是对法律意识的研究。这三篇文章都间接涉及到对性工作者(或Tanaka文中的维权人士)如何理解国家或非国家法律,以及这些理解以怎样的方式影响到他们对自身、他们的行为和感受的认识,以及他们与顾客和警察等人之间的交往。这种研究的一个例子是Margaret Boittin的作品,她基于大量的访谈和观察,对中国的性工作者进行了研究。另一个相关领域是对法律动员(legal mobilization)的研究——即人们如何使用法律来定义、表达或提出他们的不满。性工作者的困难处境提出了性工作者是否求助于法律、为什么(为什么不)以及以什么方式求助于法律等问题。在这三篇文章中,Tanaka对维权人士的关注也许更明确地与法律动员有关。但是,Kurosawa和Lin等人的另外两篇文章同样可以被读作是这样探索的一部分。比如说在Boittin的研究中,一些受访者谈到拥有基本权利、抗议政府的镇压或呼吁性工作合法化。简言之,本期专题期刊上的文章表明了在亚洲进行与性工作相关的法律和社会研究的潜力。我期待着在本期刊和其他的法律和社会出版物中阅读更多有关这一问题的文章。

Beyond “Sex Work”: Japanese Night Work and “Shakai-Keiken”


作者:Aki KUROSAWA,加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁兹分校研究生

摘要:This article rethinks the hegemonic “sex-work” discourses—popular sex-work discourse and radical-feminist discourse—that associate Japanese night work with prostitution and consider young women workers in this industry as victims. These discourses reinforce sex-work oppression–empowerment paradigms, which limit workers’ experiences to either oppressive/empowering, good/bad, and positive/negative. This research draws on transnational feminism and a polymorphous approach to the complex nature of sex work. In doing so, this article addresses three aspects of Japanese night work, including young Japanese women’s motivation to go into night work, their conceptualization of work they engage in, and shakai-keiken (social experience) that they gain out of doing night work. This article encourages readers to step away from dominant Western discourses and look closely at the nuanced nature of Japanese night work in its own context.


Policing and Regulating Commercial Sex in Taiwan: A Review from Gender, Culture and Legal Perspectives


作者:Chih-Chieh (Carol) LIN,国立交通大学特聘教授;Fang-Yi SU,Lin & Partner律师;Ping-Hsuan CHUNG,国立交通大学法学硕士研究生

摘要:Commercial sex has been a complex and controversial issue in Taiwan. It was banned several times and finally partially legalized in law when the Congress finally amended Article 80 of the Social Order Maintenance Law and authorized local governments to establish red-light districts. Unfortunately, in reality, until now, no local government has established a red-light district. Therefore, all commercial sex is still illegal in Taiwan. By reviewing this issue from gender, culture, and legal perspectives, this paper discusses the regulation of commercial sex in Taiwan in three parts. In the first part, this paper provides a historical view of the development of commercial sex and how the government regulated it in different periods. In the second part, this paper introduces the debate and various perspectives of feminist legal theories on this issue. Finally, compared with the regulation models of Japan and Singapore, this paper proposes an empowerment approach in response to the current Social Order Maintenance Law. Focusing on sex workers’ autonomy and subjectivity, the new approach hopes to balance the interests between the rights of sex workers and the needs of social order and public health.


Advocating Sex Workers’ Rights by Identity-Based Associations in Nepal


作者:Masako TANAKA,上智大学全球研究研究院教授

摘要:There is no specific law in Nepal that directly criminalizes sex work. However, many sex workers have experienced arbitrary detention by law-enforcement authorities. The Human Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act, 2007 (HTTCA) criminalizes pimps and clients, but not sex workers directly. However, the Act was overinclusive and often criminalized women engaged in voluntary sex work.

The new Criminal (Code) Act 2017 criminalizes advertising and providing facilities for sex work in the section concerning crimes against the public good. These laws are used to prosecute sex workers. Two identity-based associations (IBAs) emphasize the importance of decriminalization, but do not support the legalization of sex work. A licensing system, if introduced under legalization, may exclude the most vulnerable sex workers, including housewives, migrants, and sexual minorities, who are secretly engaged in the business. I conclude that ongoing advocacy of IBAs should seek to provide safe working environments for sex workers in Nepal.



Legal Governance on Fintech Risks: Effects and Lessons from China


作者:Kang YUAN,武汉大学助理教授;Duoqi XU,复旦大学经济法学教授

摘要:Fintech risks have a special type of structure and formation mechanism; regular updates and a complete financial legal system are needed to implement an effective legal governance. China’s fintech development is leading the world, but its lagging legal development does not match its rank in the field. Due to the difficult co-ordination of regulatory goals, unclear allocation of regulatory power, insufficient risk identification, and incomplete regulation tools, China’s legal governance on fintech risks has been swinging between the paths of suppressive, indulging, and adaptive regulation. It is urgently necessary to follow the fintech-risk law and fully tap into the local resources and explore the intervening path with more proactivity, foresight, and refined characteristics, through specification of the legal status and governing power of the intervening entity, the institutional basis and legal effect of interventional means, and the governing key and constitutional rules of intervening objects, to establish a legal-governance system on fintech risks that is innovation-friendly, regulatorily effective, and safe at the bottom line, fully covering the whole process.


Concealed Risks of FinTech and Goal-Oriented Responsive Regulation: China’s Background and Global Perspective


作者:Donggen XU,上海交通大学教授;Dawei XU,上海证券交易所经济学家

摘要:This article provides critical and analytical views on legal regulation to achieve a balance between FinTech innovation, risk prevention, and financial stability, by focusing on the trend of FinTech firms entering the financial-services industry and the associated regulatory and legal challenges that are already arising in China. It adopts a balanced approach as a theoretical-analysis perspective, weighing various considerations, and proposes the policy option of FinTech regulation under the principle of interest balance. The analysis aims to contribute new insights to an ongoing debate in China on the relationship between legal and regulatory reform, FinTech innovation, and risk prevention. This article argues that legal challenges, rather than technical problems, remain the key obstacles to effective FinTech regulation. Our proposed hypothesis seeks to explain how a legal regulation achieves balancing the competing interests between FinTech innovation, risk prevention, and financial stability in the booming of China’s FinTech. Finally, this article proposes the implementation of goal-oriented responsive regulation by improving the legal framework of FinTech regulatory regimes through policy option.


The Risks of Mobile Payment and Regulatory Responses: A Hong Kong Perspective


作者:Robin Hui HUANG,香港中文大学法学教授;Cynthia SzeWai CHEUNG,香港中文大学研究员;Christine Meng Lu WANG,香港中文大学法学博士候选人

摘要:Mobile payment generally refers to transactions made through the applications of a portable electronic gadget without the transfer of cash. As one of the most disruptive technologies for finance, mobile payment has been rapidly transforming the traditional financial industry. While it brings important benefits, there are also various risks, in terms of liquidity, security, and data privacy, that call for adequate regulatory responses. As a global financial centre, Hong Kong has gradually established a regulatory framework for mobile payment, addressing the relevant risks with rules on payment and privacy. However, there is still room for further improvement, in terms of measures to deal with cybersecurity issues and strengthen the protection of personal data. The Hong Kong experiences suggest that, to regulate a new and fast-growing industry such as mobile payment, the regulatory regime needs to be improved continuously to alleviate the risk concerns, so as to enhance the protection of financial consumers and society at large.


Internet (Un)Immunity: Where Does China Stand?


作者:Jie (Jeanne) HUANG,悉尼大学法学院副教授

摘要:This paper focuses on Internet intermediaries’ civil liabilities for contents produced by third parties. By comparing Chinese law with the laws of the US and EU, it argues that the US law grants broad civil immunity to Internet intermediaries, and the EU and China restrict civil immunity to intermediaries but in different ways. This is on account of how, in the US, Internet intermediaries enjoy civil immunity as long as they do not become content providers. In the EU, aside from mere conduit intermediaries, all other intermediaries are subject to the notice-and-take-down mechanism before enjoying civil immunity. In contrast, in China, even after an intermediary properly follows the notice-and-take-down mechanism, it may still be subject to civil liability under the Chinese Consumer Law. Further, this paper argues that the policy priority for the law for Internet intermediaries varies fundamentally in the three jurisdictions.

The US law for intermediaries’ liability focuses on protecting freedom of speech. The EU emphasizes the protection of personal information as a fundamental human right. Contrastingly, Chinese policy priority is unclear. Consumer protection has boomed in public popularity and increasingly attracted the attentions of the legislature and judiciary in China. However, it is doubtable that the protection of consumers can provide a prevailing policy support for Chinese law in the same way as freedom of speech and the protection of personal information do under the laws of the US and the EU, respectively.


The Limits to Law: How Intellectual Properties Are Used and Protected in Chinese Industries


作者:Qiaoling HE,麦吉尔大学助理研究员

摘要:Many studies agree that a weak intellectual property right (IPR) legal system likely reduces innovation or creation; they also predict that increasing intellectual properties (IPs) in developing countries will automatically lead to local needs for stronger formal protection. However, the situation is found to be more complex in China. With a focus on the use of IPs and relevant protection mechanisms in China, this study points out that many companies acquire IPs for purposes that do not depend on their enforcement; many companies have informal ways of protecting their IPs without resorting to court enforcement. Both the alternative functions and the alternative enforcement mechanisms are shaped by industrial characteristics, especially in four aspects: technological features, administrative regulation, market characteristics, and network structure. Based on studies of different industrial sectors in China, this article develops a general framework for analyzing the role of IPRs in industrial practice.
