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《亚洲法与社会杂志》目录(2019)Volume 6, Issue 1
2020年03月24日 【作者】法的社会视野 预览:



Asian Journal of Law and Society

【编者按】《亚洲法与社会杂志》(Asian Journal of Law and Society)是由上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)及其前身法社会学研究中心(LSC)为凯原法学院与剑桥


次以上。据最近获得的权威信息,本刊在SCOPUS引文数据库排行榜已经上升到第二方阵,也已经被纳入ESCI (Emerging Scholars Citation Index)引文数据库,并有望在2021年左右

达到SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) 数据库的收录标准。

本期集中推送杂志第6卷第1期(2019年5月)的目录,以方便读者查阅和引用,也可方便研究者了解本刊录用稿件的方针和特色。欢迎大家积极参与全英文学术期刊Asian Journal 

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Ordering Power under the Party: A Relational Approach to Law and Politics in China

作者:Juan Wang,麦吉尔大学政治学系副教授;Sida Liu,多伦多大学社会学和法学系助理教授

摘要:Existing scholarship of China’s legal institutions has primarily focused on individual institutions, such as the court, the police, or the legal profession. This article proposes a

relational approach to the study of political-legal institutions in China. To understand the order and exercise of power by various political-legal institutions, the relational approach 

emphasizes the spatial positions of actors or institutions (the police, courts, lawyers, etc.) within the broader political-legal system and their mutual interactions. We suggest that

 the changing ideas of the Chinese leadership about the role of law as an instrument of governance have shaped the relations between various legal and political institutions.

 The interactions of these political-legal institutions (e.g. the “iron triangle” of the police, the court and the procuracy) further reveal the dynamics of power relations at work.




Political-Legal Order and the Curious Double Character of China’s Courts

作者:Ling LI,维也纳大学东亚研究/汉学系

摘要:This article provides an analytical account of how politics and law in China are organically integrated in the institutional architecture of courts as designed by the Chinese 

Communist Party (“the Party”). This design allows the Party to retain its supreme authority in the interpretation, application, and enforcement of the law through its institutional

 control over courts. At the same time, the Party can, under this design, also afford to grant an autonomous sphere where courts can perform their adjudicative functions with

 minimal interference from the Party, as long as the Party is assured of full authority to determine the scope of the “autonomous-zone,” to impose rules on it, and to revoke it

 when necessary. Consequently, courts assume a double character: a pliant political agent on the one hand and a legal institution of its own agency on the other.




Creating a Virtuous Leviathan: The Party, Law, and Socialist Core Values

作者:Delia LIN,墨尔本大学亚洲研究所中国研究高级讲师;Susan TREVASKES,澳大利亚格里菲斯大学中国研究教授

摘要:In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party has declared that its governance must dominate over all aspects of law-making and enforcement, declaring that its leadership 

must be implemented across the entire process of governing the country in accordance with the law. Contemporaneous to this new way of thinking about the law-Party nexus is a

 propaganda push to integrate moral values into the law. This paper is about moralizing governance in the Xi Jinping era. It explores the ideology behind the promotion of this

 morals–law integration, focusing on the Socialist Core Values in the legal realm under the current Xi Jinping administration. We do so from two interrelated perspectives. The 

first examines the relationship between law and morality. Here, we argue that the Party’s calls for a law–morality amalgam can be understood as a form of “pan-moralism.” The

 second looks at the supremacy of Party rule, extending the theory of the “Leviathan” proposed by Thomas Hobbes to take into account the Party’s morality push. This

 two-pronged argument enables us to assert that the Xi Jinping administration is creating a “virtuous Leviathan.”




马斯·霍布斯提出的“利维坦”理论,来解释党的道德建设。因此,我们认为习近平政府正在创造 “道德的利维坦”。


Judicial Reasoning and Review in the Indonesian Supreme Court

作者:Simon BUTT,悉尼大学法学院印度尼西亚法教授,悉尼大学法学院亚洲及太平洋法律中心副主任

摘要:This article describes and critiques the judicial reasoning of Indonesia’s Supreme Court, through the lens of the Court’s reviews of subnational laws during 2011–17. The

 resulting picture is a negative one. Most of the Court’s decisions were critically flawed, with either very little or no reasoning, and inconsistencies with past decisions. Worse, 

the Court appears keen to avoid hearing important cases that raise difficult political issues, even though the law governing those issues is clear and easy to apply. These

 inadequacies are perpetuated by genuine uncertainty about the precise jurisdiction of the Court in judicial review cases. However, the Court has not sought to resolve this

 uncertainty. Indeed, these decisions appear to reflect a court paying little regard to judicial transparency and accountability, and unwilling or unable to act as an effective 

check on government power.




The Way to Understand the Nature and Extent of Judicial Independence in China

作者:Yanrong ZHAO,中国政法大学民商经济法学院讲师

摘要:In order to portray the true extent of judicial independence in China’s judicial practices, this article first clarifies the contested meanings of “judicial independence” within 

Chinese judicial circles and provides a detailed literature review of the main school of thoughts on the extent of judicial independence in China. In contrast to the existing

 literature—most of which sees judicial independence in China as stagnant—this thesis suggests employing the strategic interaction approach to study the development of 

impartial adjudication in China and argues that the extent of adjudicative independence is evolving with the amount of judicial discretion afforded by the Chinese Communist

 Party (CCP) to judges.


述。与现有文献相反(大多数文献认为司法独立在中国处于停滞状态),本论文建议采用战略互动方法(strategic interaction approach)来研究中国公正审判的发展,并认为


Judicial Remedies for Forced Slum Evictions in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Structural Injunction

作者:S M Atia NAZNIN, 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学博士研究生、孟加拉国BRAC大学法学院讲师;Shawkat ALAM,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学教授、环境法中心主任

摘要:The adoption of weak remedies, such as declarations or recommendations by the Bangladesh Supreme Court in litigations on state-induced forced slum evictions,

 significantly contributes to the tardy implementation of court orders. In this context, there is a growing global consensus on the structural injunction—a remedy that

 enables judges to monitor and bring about governmental compliance with judicial orders of social rights litigation. The Bangladesh Supreme Court faces several real

 and compelling challenges relating to its constitutional authority and institutional capacity that hinder remedial innovation. Through examining relevant constitutional

 provisions, judicial approach, and comparative examples, this article argues that the court has the capacity to overcome these constraints. Thus, it advocates judicial 

reform in Bangladesh to offset the state’s often arbitrary interference with the basic necessity of housing of the slum dwellers.


(structural injunction)的全球共识正在日益增长,这种救济措施使法官能够监督并促使政府遵守社会权利诉讼中的司法命令。孟加拉国最高法院在其宪法权威和机构



The Choice of Norms in Courtroom Adjudication in Vietnam: In Search of Legitimacy in a Socialist Regulatory Context

作者:Thi Quang Hong TRAN,越南社会主义共和国司法部法律科学研究院研究员

摘要:Notwithstanding its defining feature of normative pluralism, the socialist state of Vietnam basically adopts a legal centralist approach to regulation. The judiciary

 is arguably the most illustrative of this approach, since it is the main forum where legal centralism encounters normative pluralism. Our research examines the choice

 of norms in judicial adjudication in Vietnam to check the effectiveness of its legal centralist approach. It finds that, despite lacking institutional support, judges managed

 to apply customary norms at their discretion against the state’s emphasis on top-down legal rules. A legitimacy-based analysis explains this phenomenon. It points out

 that judges conceptualized their legitimacy under the influence of both legal and extra-legal rules, thus making it apart from the legality. Judges attempt to bridge 

the gap between legitimacy and legality enabled de factor normative pluralism. In looking at the influence of customary norms over judicial adjudication, the article 

aims to make both theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, it enriches the scholarship of normative pluralism by showing how legitimacy-building keeps 

normative pluralism effective, irrespective of the dominating legal centralism. Practically, it proffers insightful implications for the ongoing court reforms in Vietnam

 based upon the findings.







Lay Participation in Taiwan: Observations from Mock Trials

作者:Mong-Hwa CHIN,台湾交通大学法学院副教授

摘要:This article introduces the designs and the potential problems of the new lay judge system in Taiwan. This article first describes the background of the development

 of lay participation in Taiwan, and the 2012 Observer Jury System and the 2018 Lay Judge System drafted by the judiciary. The core of this paper is a qualitative study

 of four mock trials conducted by four district courts in Taiwan. Through observations and interviews with mock trial lay judges, this article addresses three main problems

 of the new system, including professional judges’ domination in deliberations, the comprehensibility of law, and lack of evidence rules. It also provides a discussion of 

the possible solutions to the problems observed. This article urges that training sessions should be provided to both lay judges and legal professionals, adjust the discovery

 rule, provide guidance on sentencing, and create evidentiary rules.

本文介绍了我国台湾地区的新型民众参审制度(Lay Judge System)的设计,以及潜在的问题。本文首先介绍了我国台湾地区民众参审制度发展起来的背景,和司法

部门设计的2012年的陪审观察员制度(Observer Jury System)和2018年的民众参审制度。本文的核心部分是对于我国台湾地区四个地方法院举行的四场模拟庭审


的可理解性,以及证据规则的缺失。本文提出了以上这些问题的可能解决路径:同时给非职业法官和法律专业人士提供培训课程,调整证据发现规则(the discovery rule)



Lay Participation in Japan

图书:Masahiro Fujita, Japanese Society and Lay Participation in Criminal Justice (Singapore: Springer, 2018) pp 282. Hardcover: $169.

作者:Rieko KAGE

Lay Participation in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Spain

图书:Rieko Kage, Who Judges? Designing Jury Systems in Japan, East Asia and Europe (Cambridge: University Press, 2017) pp 264. Hardcover: $74.00.


Social Movements and Civil Governance in Hong Kong

图书:Michael H. K. Ng & John D. Wong, Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong: Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives (New York, NY: Routledge, 2017) pp 230. Hardcover: $119.00.


Community Sanctions and Disciplinary Governance in China

图书:Qi Chen, Governance, Social Control and Legal Reform in China: Community Sanctions and Measures (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) pp 269. Hardcover: $129.

作者:Xiaoyu YUAN

Crime and Criminal Justice in Japan

图书:Jianhong Liu & Setsuo Miyazawa, eds., Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan (Cham: Springer, 2018) pp 352 . Hardcover: $169.


Corporate Governance in Asia

图书:Dan W. Puchniak, Harald Baum, & Luke Nottage, eds., Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) pp 634. Hardcover: $155.00.

作者:Sang Yop KANG

Theory on the Relational Normativity of International Law (TORNIL)

图书:Matthias Vanhullebusch, Global Governance, Conflict and China (Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2018) pp 476 . Hardcover: $183.00.

作者:Amy Huey-Ling SHEE