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Asian Journal of Law and Society

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Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.1 No.1 (May 2014)


Weidong Ji, "Foreword", pp.1-4


Lawrence M. Friedman, “Ghosts, Machines, and Asian Law: Some Comments”, pp.5-16

Robert Jacob, “The Judge and the Sacred: Notes for a Comparative History of Western and Chinese Judicial Cultures”, pp.17-30

Masahiko Aoki, “Formal Rules in Institutional Transitions: An Examination Based on the Meiji Restoration and the Xinhai Revolution”, pp.31-54

Leah M. Trzcinski, Frank K. Upham, “Creating Law from the Ground Up: Land Law in Post-Conflict Cambodia”, pp.55-77


Sida Liu, Lily Liang, Terence C. Halliday, “The Trial of Li Zhuang: Chinese Lawyers’ Collective Action against Populism”, pp.79-97

Mayumi Nakamura, “Legal Reform, Law Firms, and Lawyer Stratification in Japan”, pp.99-123

Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, Laarni Escresa, Nuno Garoupa, “Measuring Judicial Ideal Points in New Democracies: The Case of the Philippines”, pp.125-164

Thomas H. Stanton, “Law and Economic Development: The Cautionary Tale of Colonial Burma”, pp.165-181

Raymond Siu Yeung Chan, Daniel Ho, Angus Young, “Rethinking the Relevance or Irrelevance of Directors’ Duties in China: The Intersection between Culture and Laws”, pp.183-203

Lynette J. Chua, “Rights Mobilization and the Campaign to Decriminalize Homosexuality in Singapore”, pp.205-228

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.1 No.2  (November 2014)


Setsuo Miyazawa, “Foreword”, pp.229-234


Gunther Teubner, “Law and Social Theory: Three Problems”, pp.235-254

David Nelken, “Thinking About Legal Culture”, pp.255-274

Chulwoo Lee, “Hegemony, Contestation, and Empowerment: The Politics of Law and Society Studies in South Korea”, pp.275-304

Weidong Ji, “The Rule of Law in a Chinese Way: Social Diversification and Reconstructing the System of Authority”, pp.305-328

Guangdong Xu, “Is China an Anomaly for the “Law Matters” Hypothesis?”, pp.339-365

XIONG Hao, “Two Sides of Court Mediation in Today’s Southwest Grassroots China: an Empirical Study in T Court, Yunnan Province”, pp.367-394

Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, “The Practice and Justifications of Plea Bargaining by Hong Kong Criminal Defence Lawyers”, pp.395-412

Richard Mitchell, Petra Mahy, Peter Gahan, “The Evolution of Labour Law in India: An Overview and Commentary on Regulatory Objectives and Development”, pp.413-453

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.2 No.1 (May 2015)


Robert Moog, “The View from Inside India’s Consumer Fora: Empowering the Few”, pp.1-20

Dag-Erik Berg, “Structural Mechanism, Law, and the Dalit Question in India”, pp.21-33

Mostafa Mahmud Naser, “Climate Change And Migration: Law and Policy Perspectives in Bangladesh”, pp.35-53

Man Yee Karen Lee, “The Role of Law in Addressing the Good Samaritan’s Dilemma: A Chinese Model?”, pp.55-92

Ling Li, “ ‘Rule of Law’ in a Party-State: A Conceptual Interpretive Framework of the Constitutional Reality of China”, pp.93-113

Trinh Ly Khanh, “The Right to Strike in Vietnam’s Private Sector”, pp.115-135

Jaclyn L. Neo, “Riots and Rights: Law and Exclusion in Singapore’s Migrant Worker Regime”, pp.137-168

Jan Michiel Otto, “Indonesian Opposition in the Colonial Municipality: A Minahasser in Bandung”, pp.169-193

Nicola Colbran, “Sense and Simplicity in Legal and Human Rights Co-Operation: A Case Study of Indonesia”, pp.195-206

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.2 No.2  (November 2015)


Lynette J. Chua, “Preface to Special Issue State and Personhood in Southeast Asia”, pp.207-210

Lynette J. Chua, David M. Engel, “State and Personhood in Southeast Asia: The Promise and Potential for Law and Society Research”, pp.211-228

Jack Jin Gary Lee, “Plural Society and the Colonial State: English Law and the Making of Crown Colony Government in the Straits Settlements”, pp.229-249

Malavika Reddy, “Identity Paper/Work/s and the Unmaking of Legal Status in Mae Sot, Thailand”, pp.251-266

Charanpal S. Bal, “Dealing with Deportability: Deportation Laws and the Political Personhood of Temporary Migrant Workers in Singapore”, pp.267-284

Lilis Mulyani, “Gambling with the State: Land Titles and Personhood Rights among the Urban Poor in Indonesia”, pp.285-300

Frank Munger, “Thailand’s Cause Lawyers and Twenty-First-Century Military Coups: Nation, Identity, and Conflicting Visions of the Rule of Law”, pp.301-322

Keebet Von Benda-Beckmann, “Social Security, Personhood, and the State”, pp.323-338


Constance Youngwon Lee, Jonathan Crowe, “The Deafening Silence of the Korean “Comfort Women”: A Response Based on

Lyotard and Irigaray”, pp.339-356

Amrita Shodhan, “The East India Company’s Conquest of Assam, India, and “Community” Justice: Panchayats/Mels in Translation”, pp.357-377

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.3 No.1 (May 2016)


Benjamin Schonthal, Tom Ginsburg, “Setting an Agenda for the Socio-Legal Study of Contemporary Buddhism”, pp.1-15

Tomas Larsson, “Keeping Monks in Their Place?”, pp.17-28

Benjamin Schonthal, “The Impossibility of a Buddhist State”, pp.29-48

Jolyon Baraka Thomas, “Varieties of Religious Freedom in Japanese Buddhist Responses to the 1899 Religions Bill”, pp.49-70

David M. Engel, “Blood Curse and Belonging in Thailand: Law, Buddhism, and Legal Consciousness”, pp.71-83

Melissa Crouch, “Promiscuity, Polygyny, and the Power of Revenge: The Past and Future of Burmese Buddhist Law in

Myanmar”, pp.85-104


Maartje De Visser, “We All Stand Together: The Role of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Promoting Constitutionalism”, pp.105-134

Erik Herber, “Victim Participation in Japan: When Therapeutic Jurisprudence Meets Prosecutor Justice”, pp.137-157

Luke Marsh, “The Strategic Use of Human Rights Treaties in Hong Kong’s Cage-Home Crisis: No Way Out?”, pp.159-188

Albert H.Y. Chen, “The Law and Politics of the Struggle for Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong, 2013–15”, pp.189-207

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.3 No.2  (November 2016)


Setsuo Miyazawa, “Innovations in East Asian Law Schools and Collaborative Possibilities for US Law Schools”, pp.209-212

Nobuyuki Sato, “The State of Legal Education in Japan: Problems and “Re”-Renovations in JD Law Schools”, pp.213-225

Soogeun Oh, “A Reflection on Practical Training in Legal Education in South Korea”, pp.227-236

Weidong Ji, “Legal Education in China: Reforms and Requirements”, pp.237-246

Chih-Chieh Lin, Mong-Hwa Chin, Shang-Jyh Liu, “Legal Education in Taiwan: Evolution and Innovation”, pp.247-260

Carole Silver, “Opportunities for Collaboration among East Asian and US Law Schools”, pp.261-271


Sida Liu, David M. Trubek, David B. Wilkins, “Mapping the Ecology of China’s Corporate Legal Sector: Globalization and Its Impact on Lawyers and Society”, pp.273-297

Chien-Chih Lin, “The Judicialization of Politics in Taiwan”, pp.299-326

Naboru Yanase, “Deliberative Democracy and the Japanese Saiban-in (Lay Judge) Trial System”, pp.327-349

Ryan Mitchell, “Manchukuo’s Contested Sovereignty: Legal Activism, Rights Consciousness, and Civil Resistance in a ‘Puppet State’”, pp.352-376

Yedan Li, “From ‘Access to Justice’ to ‘Barrier to Justice’? An Empirical Examination of Chinese Court-Annexed Mediation”, pp.377-397

Sepalika Welikala, “Community Mediation as a Hybrid Practice: The Case of Mediation Boards in Sri Lanka”, pp.399-422


Dan Rosen, “Setsuo Miyazawa, Weidong Ji, Hiroshi Fukurai, Kay-Wah Chan, and Matthias Vanhullebusch, eds., East Asia’s Renewed Respect for the Rule of Law in the 21st Century: The Future of Legal and Judicial Landscapes in East Asia (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2015) pp. 343.”, pp,423-424

Eric A. Feldman, “Yuka Kaneko, Katsumi Matsuoka, and Toshihisa Toyoda, eds., Disaster, Law, and Recovery: Asian Law in Disasters: Toward a Human-Centered Recovery (New York, NY: Routledge, 2016) pp. 348.”, pp.425-427

Nancy S. Marder, “Matthew J. Wilson, Hiroshi Fukurai, and Takashi Maruta, Japan and Civil Jury Trials: The Convergence of Forces (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2015) pp. 208.”, pp.427-428

Takeshi Akiba, “Chaihark Hahm and Sung Ho Kim, Democracy & Constitution in Japan and South Korea: Making We the People: Democratic Constitutional Founding in Postwar Japan and South Korea (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015) pp. 330.”, pp.429-431

Matthew Wilson, “Richard Krooth, Morris Edelson, and Hiroshi Fukurai, Propaganda, Corporate Predation and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Nuclear Tsunami: The Japanese Government and America’s Role in the Fukushima Disaster (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015) pp. 232.”, pp.431-433

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.4 No.1 (May 2017)


Emilios Avgouleas, Duoqi Xu, “Overhauling China’s Financial Stability Regulation: Policy Riddles and Regulatory Dilemmas”, pp.1-57

Wei Shen, “Market-Based Regulatory Responses to Private Lending in China: Beyond a Law and Society Paradigm”, pp.59-79

Duoqi Xu, Mingyu Ge, “Equity-Based Crowdfunding in China: Beginning with the First Crowdfunding Financing Case”, pp.81-107

Chang-hsien Tsai, Kuan-Jung Peng, “The FinTech Revolution and Financial Regulation: The Case of Online Supply-Chain Financing”, pp.109-132

Vivien Chen, “Law and Society in the Evolution of Malaysia’s Islamic Capital Market Regulation”, pp.133-156


Surabhi Chopra, “Massacres, Majorities and Money: Reparation after Sectarian Violence in India”, pp.157-190

Sagnik Dutta, “From Accommodation to Substantive Equality: Muslim Personal Law, Secular Law, and the Indian Constitution 1985–2015”, pp.191-255

Farzana Akter, “Legal Aid for Ensuring Access to Justice in Bangladesh: A Paradox?”, pp.257-275


Hualing Fu, “Sida Liu and Terence C. Halliday, Defense Lawyers in China: Criminal Defense in China: The Politics of Lawyers at Work (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2016) pp 220.”, pp.277-279

Ching-Fang Hsu, “Carol A.G. Jones, Lost in China? Law, Culture and Identity in Post-1997 Hong Kong (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015) pp 284.”, pp.279-281


Weidong Ji, “China’s First Annual Conference on Socio-Legal Studies Held in Shanghai”, pp.283-285

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.4 No.2  (November 2017)


Daisuke Mori, “Law and Economics in Japan: 25 Years after the Hatching Stage”, pp.287-307

Hatsuru Morita, “Corporate Law Reform and the Political Environment: An Empirical Analysis Employing Public-Comment Procedure Data in Japan”, pp.309-328

Ruoying Chen, “Empirical Law and Economics Scholarship in China: Methodologies and Challenges”, pp.329-348

David C. Donald, Paul w. H. Cheuk, “Hong Kong’s Public Enforcement Model of Investor Protection”, pp.349-385

Say H. Gao, “An Economic Efficiency Approach to Reforming Corporate Governance: The Case of Multiple Stakeholder Boards”, pp.387-404


Justine Guichard, “In the Name of the People: Disagreeing over Peoplehood in the North and South Korean Constitutions”, pp.405-445

Jacqueline Vel, Yando Zakaria, Andriaan Bender, “Law-Making as a Strategy for Change: Indonesia’s New Village Law”, pp.447-471


Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, “David M. Engel, The Myth of the Litigious Society: Why We Don’t Sue (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016) pp 232.”, pp.473-474

Melissa Crouch, “Benjamin Schonthal, Buddhism, Politics and the Limits of Law: The Pyrrhic Constitutionalism of Sri Lanka (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016) pp 320.”, pp.475-476

Yvonne Kwan, “Human Rights in China - Sarah Biddulph, The Stability Imperative: Human Rights and Law in China (Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2015) pp 332.”, pp.476-479

Joe Phillips, “Celeste L. Arrington, Accidental Activists: Victim Movements and Government Accountability in Japan and South Korea (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016) pp 234.”, pp.479-481

Yuka Kaneko, “Law and Disasters - Shahla F. Ali. Governing Disasters: Engaging Local Populations in Humanitarian Relief (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017) pp 346.”, pp.481-482

Dimitri Vanoverbeke, “Joachim Zekoll, Moritz Bälz, and Iwo Amelung, eds., Dispute Resolution in Asia and Beyond: Formalization and Flexibilisation in Dispute Resolution (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2015) pp 401.”, pp.482-484

Takeshi Akiba, “Korea’s Constitutional Order - Justine Guichard. Regime Transition and the Judicial Politics of Enmity: Democratic Inclusion and Exclusion in South Korean Constitutional Justice (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) pp 248.”, pp.484-486

Yukyong Choe, “History of Korean Law - Marie Seong-Hak Kim, ed., The Spirit of Korean Law: Korean Legal History in Context (Leiden: Brill, 2015) pp 272.”, pp.486-488

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.5 No.1 (May 2018)


Lynette J. Chua, David M. Engel, “Legal Consciousness in Asia—Editors’ Note to Special Issue”, pp.1-4

Yoshitaka Wada, “Foreword”, pp.5-6

Qian Liu, “Legal Consciousness of the Leftover Woman: Law and Qing in Chinese Family Relations”, pp.7-27

Tu Phuong Nguyen, “Labour Law and (In)justice in Workers’ Letters in Vietnam”, pp.29-47

Arm Tungnirun, “Practising on the Moon: Globalization and Legal Consciousness of Foreign Corporate Lawyers in Myanmar”, pp.49-67

Lillian Hsiao-Ling Su, “Resistance, Evasion, and Inequality: Legal Consciousness of Intellectual Property Laws in Two Chinese Markets”, pp. 69-89

Kitpatchara Somanawat, “Constructing the Identity of the Thai Judge: Virtue, Status, and Power”, pp.91-110

Rahela Khorakiwala, “Legal Consciousness as Viewed through the Judicial Iconography of the Madras High Court”, pp.111-133


Daniel H. Foote, “The Advent of Lawyers in Japanese Government”, pp.135-173

Patricia Goedde, “Human Rights Diffusion in North Korea: The Impact of Transnational Legal Mobilization”, pp.175-203


Daniel H. Foote, “Legal Scholarship in Japan - Keiichi Ageishi, Hiroshi Ōtsuka, Katsuhiro Musashi, & Mari Hirayama, eds., The Legal Process in Contemporary Japan: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Setsuo Miyazawa’s 70th Birthday (Tokyo: Shinzansha, 2017) pp 832.”, pp.205-208

Paul Gewirtz, “Rule of Law in China - Ji Weidong, Building the Rule of Law in China: Procedure, Discourse and Hermeneutic Community, Vol. I (Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2017) pp 202. Hardcover: £130.00. - Ji Weidong Building the Rule of Law in China: Ideas, Praxis and Institutional Design, Vol. II (Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2017) pp 207.”, pp.208-213

Mark Fathi Massoud, “Legal Development in China - Jedidiah J. Kroncke, The Futility of Law and Development: China and the Dangers of Exporting American Law Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) pp 358.”, pp.213-215

Shun-Nan Chiang, Yi-Chen Liu, “Social Movement in Taiwan and Hong Kong - Brian Christopher Jones, ed., Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements (New York, NY: Routledge, 2017) pp 242.”, pp.215-217

Noboru Yanase, “Constitutionalism in Southeast Asia - Marco Bünte and Björn Dressel , eds., Politics and Constitutions in Southeast Asia (London: Routledge, 2018) pp 374.”, pp. 217-219


Hiroshi Fukurai, “Fourth World Approaches to International Law (FWAIL) and Asia's Indigenous Struggles and Quests for Recognition under International Law”, pp.221-231


Terence C. Halliday, “Legal Freedoms: Struggle in the Theory of Legal Change in Asia”, pp.233-246

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.5 No.2  (November 2018)


Jan Michiel Otto, “Law and Development in Asia—Editor’s Note to Special Issue”, pp.249-250

Andrew Harding, “Multi-Level, Recursive Law and Development: Singapore’s Legal Role in ASEAN”, pp.251-269

Teilee Kuong, “Legal Assistance in the Japanese ODA: The Spark of a New Era”, pp.271-287

Siavash Rahbari, “From Normative Pluralism to a Unified Legal System in Afghanistan?”, pp.289-314

Mimi Zou, “Economic Development and the “Social Rights Hypothesis”: Regulating Labour Standards in China”, pp.315-331

Zhong Zhang, “Law and Economic Growth in China: A Case-Study of the Stock Market”, pp.333-357


David T. Johnson, Jon Fernquest, “Governing through Killing: The War on Drugs in the Philippines”, pp.359-390

Won Kyung Chang, “Old Wine in New Wineskins? A Trial of Restorative Justice in a Korean Criminal Court”, pp.391-411

Wayne Palmer, Antje Missbach, “Judicial Discretion and the Minimum Statutory Sentence for Migrant Smuggling through Indonesia”, pp.413-431

Benjamin L. Read, Ethan Michelson, “Village Dispute Mediation in China, 2002–10: An Enduring Institution amid Rural Change”, pp.433-452

Mies Grijns, Hoko Horii, “Child Marriage in a Village in West Java (Indonesia): Compromises between Legal Obligations and Religious Concerns”, pp.453-466


Sida Liu, “Property Law and Property Rights in China - Shitong Qiao, Chinese Small Property: The Co-Evolution of Law and Social Norms (New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) pp 230.”, pp.467-468

Eric Feldman, “Court Mediation - Shahla Ali, Court Mediation Reform: Efficiency, Confidence, and Perceptions of Justice (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018) pp 298.”, pp.468-471

Hiroshi Fukurai, “Oxymoronic Applications of Neo-Institutional Economic Models - Frank K. Upham, The Great Property Fallacy: Theory, Reality, and Growth in Developing Countries (New York/Cambridge University Press, 2017) pp 160.”, pp. 471-474

Nelly Stratieva, “Capitalist Economic Development - Sung-Hee Jwa, A General Theory of Economic Development: Towards a Capitalist Manifesto (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017) pp 232.”, pp.474-477

Nur Atiqah Tang Abdullah, “Islam in China - Matthew S. Erie, China and Islam: The Prophet, the Party, and Law (New York/Cambridge University Press, 2016) pp 472.”, pp.477-479

Laura Harrison, “Comparisons of the Rule of Law of China with the West - Katrin Blasek, Rule of Law in China: A Comparative Approach (New York: Springer, 2015) pp 89.”, pp.480-482

Min Lin, “Oxymora, Cognition, and Synaesthesia of Legal Language - Rostam J. Neuwirth, Law in the Time of Oxymora: A Synaesthesia of Language, Logic and Law (New York: Routledge, 2018) pp 268.”, pp.482-484


"Book Discussion - Nick Cheesman, Opposing the Rule of Law: How Myanmar’s Courts Make Law and Order(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015) pp 338.", pp.485-498

Asian Journal of Law and Society Vol.6 No.1 (May 2019)


Juan Wang, Sida Liu, “Ordering Power under the Party: A Relational Approach to Law and Politics in China”, pp.1-18

Ling Li, “Political-Legal Order and the Curious Double Character of China’s Courts”, pp.19-39

Delia Lin, Susan Trevaskes, “Creating a Virtuous Leviathan: The Party, Law, and Socialist Core Values”, pp.41-66


Simon Butt, “Judicial Reasoning and Review in the Indonesian Supreme Court”, pp.67-97

S M Atia Maznin, Shawkat Alam, “Judicial Remedies for Forced Slum Evictions in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Structural Injunction” pp.99-129

Yanrong Zhao, “The Way to Understand the Nature and Extent of Judicial Independence in China”, pp.131-157

Thi Quang Hong Tran, “The Choice of Norms in Courtroom Adjudication in Vietnam: In Search of Legitimacy in a Socialist Regulatory Context”, pp.159-179

Mong-Hwa Chin, “Lay Participation in Taiwan: Observations from Mock Trials”, pp.181-207


Pieko Kage, “Lay Participation in Japan - Masahiro Fujita, Japanese Society and Lay Participation in Criminal Justice (Singapore: Springer, 2018) pp 282.”, pp.209-211

Luke Nottage, “Lay Participation in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Spain - Rieko Kage, Who Judges? Designing Jury Systems in Japan, East Asia and Europe (Cambridge: University Press, 2017) pp 264.”, pp.211-216

Kyle Galindez, “Social Movements and Civil Governance in Hong Kong - Michael H. K. Ng & John D. Wong, Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong: Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives (New York, NY: Routledge, 2017) pp 230.”, pp.216-218

Xiaoyu Yuan, “Community Sanctions and Disciplinary Governance in China - Qi Chen, Governance, Social Control and Legal Reform in China: Community Sanctions and Measures (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) pp 269.”, pp.219-220

Peter Grabosky, “Crime and Criminal Justice in Japan - Jianhong Liu & Setsuo Miyazawa, eds., Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan (Cham: Springer, 2018) pp 352 .”, pp.221-223

Sang Yop Kang, “Corporate Governance in Asia - Dan W. Puchniak, Harald Baum, & Luke Nottage, eds., Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) pp 634.”, pp.223-225

Amy Huey-Ling Shee, “Theory on the Relational Normativity of International Law (TORNIL) - Matthias Vanhullebusch, Global Governance, Conflict and China (Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2018) pp 476 .”, pp.226-228

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