Honolulu, Hawai'i June 5-8
PRELIMINARY PROGRAM--We are pleased to announce that the Preliminary Program for the 2012 International Conference on Law and Society is now available online. To access the Program, go to LSA's User Services (Click <https://netforum.avectra.com/eweb/StartPage.aspx?Site=LSA>HERE ), Log In, and click on the (left) menu item for the Honolulu Preliminary Program.
See below for information on 1) Acceptance of your Proposal, 2) Conference Registration, 3) AV equipment, 4) Attendance Planning, and 5) Changes to the Program.
1) Acceptance of Your Proposal: The inclusion of your proposal/participation in the online Preliminary Program schedule constitutes acceptance. Your scheduled date and time are indicated. No further notice will be sent you about the acceptance of your proposal/participation.
For instructions on how to navigate the Preliminary Program and find your scheduled participations, click <http://www.lawandsociety.org/ann_mtg/am12/preliminary_program_navigation.htm>HERE
If you do not plan to attend the conference or must withdraw, please email
2) Conference Registration is now available, both online and in printable form for mail/fax. Conference Participants and Attendees are required to pay the registration fee.
--REGISTER BY MAIL OR FAX--print out the Registration Form (Click <http://www.lawandsociety.org/ann_mtg/am12/REGform2012.pdf>HERE ) Fax your completed form and payment information to 413-577-3194 or mail to the address on the form.
--REGISTER ONLINE--Instructions are available <http://www.lawandsociety.org/ann_mtg/am12/meeting_registration_instruction.htm>HERE
Earliest registration (lowest rates) ends April 2.
3) AV Equipment: The deadline for ordering AV equipment has passed. Can't remember what/if you ordered? You may check your submission at the Submission Site. (Log in to LSA's User Services and Click on "Proposal Submission Site" in the Main Menu which will take you to the Submission Site. Click on "Submit or Edit a Proposal" in the main menu and then on "edit" next to your submission's title to look at the form you submitted) or email
Only LCD Projectors and DVD players (with screen or monitor) are available.
LCD projector and screen--you will need to bring a laptop (laptops are not provided). No audio equipment will be available except what your laptop can provide. Anyone using an Apple computer needs to bring adapter cables for attachment to the LCD projector. For those using a tablet, check with your manufacturer for the appropriate connecting cable(s).
4)<http://www.lawandsociety.org/ann_mtg/am12/conf_info_first.htm>Attendance Planning Page: For information, forms, and links to the items listed below.
Conference Venue--Hotel Reservations Conference Rate ends May 5.
Local Transportation Information
Group Childcare: Email
Ganter Deadline March 15.
Conference Registration rates and links to forms (both online registration and a printable form for mail/faxing). Earliest registration (lowest rates) ends April 2
Withdrawal Refund Policy
Conference Special Events
Invitation and Visa Support Letters
Requirements for Travel to the U.S.
5) Changes to the Program must be made no later than April 10, 2012 to be included in the Final Printed Program. After that date, all changes must be directed to
Rose for inclusion on the program Addendum Sheet. Changes to paper titles, session titles, and abstracts will not be accepted after April 10.