Jinhua CHENG is Distinguished Professor of Law and Vice Dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School. He is also the Executive Director of the Law and Society Center. His research focuses on law and (financial) development, empirical legal studies, lawyers and society, and comparative central-local relations. He writes both in Chinese and English and has published articles at top Chinese journals such as Social Sciences in China, China Legal Science, Chinese Journal of Law, and Sociological Studies, and also at English journals such as The Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law and The China Review. Professor Cheng received Bachelor of Laws from East China University of Political Science & Law in 1998; Master of Laws from Peking University in 2001; M.Phil. in social science from Hong Kong University of Science & Technology in 2005; and L.L.M. and J.S.D. from Yale University in 2007 and 2011 respectively.
2011 J.S.D. Yale University
2007 L.L.M. Yale University
2005 M.Phil. Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
2001 Master of Laws Peking University
1998 Bachelor of Laws East China University of Political Science & Law
Work History
2018- Vice Dean, Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
2016- Distinguished Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
2016 (Fall) Visiting Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School
2015-2016 Acting Dean, School of International Financial Law, ECUPL
2013-2015 Vice Dean, School of International Financial Law, ECUPL
2011-2016 Professor, School of International Financial Law, ECUPL
2010-2011 Associate Professor, School of International Financial Law, ECUPL
2001-2003 Article Editor, Social Sciences in China Press
Research Interests
Empirical legal studies, lawyers and society, law and (financial) development, comparative central-local relations
Awards and Honors
2014 Selected into “the Double Thousand Plan” by the Ministry of Education of China and the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China
2013 Selected into “the New Century Excellent Talents Program” by the Ministry of Education of China
2013 Award for “New Talents in Social Sciences”, Shanghai Federation of Social Science Associations
2012 Appointed as “Eastern Scholar” by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education
2010 Appointed as “Shuguang Scholar” by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education
Selected Publication (in English)
Authored Book
1. States, Intergovernmental Relations, and Market Development: Comparing Capitalist Growth in Contemporary China and 19th-century Untied States, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.
Journal Articles
1. “The Emerging New Middle Class and the Rule of Law in China,” The China Review, Vol.13, No.1 (Spring 2013), pp.43-70 (with Xiaogang Wu).
2. “Structural Constraints on Legal Change: Chinese Lawyers in the Interaction between the State, the Market and Society,” Social Sciences in China, 2013, Vol.1, pp.58-77 (with Li Xueyao).
3. “Institutional Options of Administrative Dispute Resolutions in Contemporary China: A Perspective of the Demand of the People,” Social Sciences in China, 2010, Vol.3, pp.5-26.
4. “Police Corruption Control in Hong Kong and New York City: a dilemma of checks and balances in combating corruption,” The Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law, Vol.23, 2009, pp.185-220 (reprinted in L. Holmes ed., Police Corruption: Essential Readings, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2014, pp.622-657).
Selected Publication (in Chinese)
Edited Book
1. JI Weidong & CHENG Jinhua eds., The Role of Law in Risk Society: A Focus on the Interplay Between Accountability and Monitoring, Shanghai SDX Publishing Company (Shanghai Sanlian Shudian), 2017.
Journal Articles
1. “Towards Scientific Empirical Legal Studies,” Tsinghua University Law Journal (Qinghua Faxue), Vol.2018, No.4, pp.149-166.
2. “The Federalist Practice of Chinese Law: The Case of Labor Contract Law,” The Jurist (Faxue Jia), Vol. 2018, No.1, pp.1-17.
3. “The Rise of Empirical Legal Studies in Contemporary China,” China Legal Science (Zhongguo Faxue), Vol.2015, No.6.
4. “An Empirical Analysis of the Procurator’s Attitude to the Reform of Classified Management of Judicial Personnel in China,” Chinese Journal of Law (Faxue Yanjiu), Vol.37, No.4, 2015, pp.71-85.
5. “An Empirical Study of Judicial Practice of the ‘Four-Time Interest Rate Rule’ in China and Its Implications for Reform,” Peking University Law Journal (Zhongwai Faxue), Vol.2015, No.3, pp.684-716.
6. “The ‘New Normal’ of China’s Legal System and its Reformation,” China Law Review (Zhongguo Falv Pinglun), Vol.2014, No.4, pp. 96-104.
7. “Stakeholders of Judicial Reform in China: Theoretical, empirical, and policy analyses,” Peking University Law Review (Beida Falv Pinglun), Vol.15, No.2, 2014, pp.450-489.
8. “The State, Rule of Law, and Reform from Middle: A central-local relationship perspective,” SJTU Law Review (Jiaoda Faxue), Vol.2013, No.4, pp.39-56.
9. “Governance Models and Chinese Securities Lawyers: An empirical study on 1148 IPO cases,” Forum on Securities Law (Zhengquan Fayuan), Vol. 9, 2013, pp.40-93.
10. “On the Transition from Lawyers to Politicians: Analytic and empirical examination,” Peking University Law Journal (Zhongwai Faxue), Vol.2013, No.1, pp.114-132.
11. “An Empirical Analysis on the Rationality of Chinese Lawyers’ Occupation Selection,” Legal Science (Faxue), Vol.2012, No.11, pp.143-155.
12. “Structural Constraints on Legal Change: Chinese Lawyers in the Interaction between the State, the Market and Society,” Social Sciences in China (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue), Vol.2012, No.7, pp.101-122 (with Xueyao Li).
13. “Decentralization, Intergovernmental Competition, and Economic Growth: a critical review,” Legal Forum (Faxue Luntan), Vol.2012, No.4, pp.33-42.
14. “Social Classes and the Resolution of Civil Disputes: Social Stratification and Legal Development in Transitional China,” Sociological Studies (Shehuixue Yanjiu), Vol.2010, No.2, pp.151-179 (with Xiaogang Wu).
15. “The Geography and Governance of Public Listings in China: Reinterpreting Administrative Governance,” Forum on Securities Law (Zhengquan Fayuan), Vol.3, 2010, pp.54-85.
16. “Institutional Options of Administrative Dispute Resolutions in Contemporary China: A Perspective of the Demand of the People,” Social Sciences in China (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue), Vol.2009, No.6, pp.144-160.
17. “Local Governments, National Courts, and Market Development: A comparative study on the United States and China,” Peking University Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Beijing Daxue Xuebao), Vol.45, No.6, 2008, pp.64-74.