Educational Background:
1. Bachelor’s degree, SouthwestUniversity of Political Science and Law (2011-2015).
2. Master & PhD Candidate,Koguan School of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2015-).
1. To Achieve Social Effectthrough Legal Effect, in CHENG Jinhua ed., Ensembles of ChineseJudiciary: Cases Study in Viewpoint of Legal Sociology, People's CourtPublishing, 2019, p.87-122.
2. Responding to Policies inJudicial Adjudication by Legal Argumentation: by the Clue of Dilemma andTranscendence of Second-order Justification Theory,25 Law and Social Development 155 (2019).
3. The Legal ProceduralGovernance of Education Fairness Sense: from the Viewpoint of Legal Regulationto External Training Institutions for Primary and Secondary Schools, 47 Global Education 87 (2018).
4. The Meaning of Paradox on“Prohibition on Denial of Justice”, 7 Journal ofSocial Sciences 107 (2018).
5. The Arguments of LegalPrinciples by Folk-Law: in Viewpoint of “Mutual Affection No Longer Exist” inDivorce Cases, 20 the Folk Law 241 (2017).
6. the Modality of Right to Defensein China: In Viewpoint of MacCormick's Theory of Legal Arguments. 25 Journal of National Prosecutors College 109 (2017).