Name:Thomas Coendet
Title / Position:Shanghai Distinguished Professor (Oriental Chair)
Discipline:International Law
Office Phone:+86 21 6293 4330
Address:Shanghai Jiao Tong University, KoGuan Law School, 1954 Huashan Road, 200030 Shanghai, PRC
Educational Background:
MJur, University of Oxford (2015); Dr. iur., University of Berne (2012); Admission to the Swiss bar (2008)
Professional Experience:
Thomas Coendet is Shanghai Distinguished Professor (Oriental Chair) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), joining the law faculty in September of 2016. Prior to joining SJTU, he held a series of prestigious fellowships in Europe, including a Postdoc at Goethe University Frankfurt (2016) and visiting positions at the University of Oxford (2010/11) and the University of Paris I (Sorbonne) (2011). He was a research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg (2010) and during his Swiss university education a fellow of the Swiss Study Foundation. Starting in 2012, he practised for two and a half years as an attorney for banking, finance, and regulatory in one of the leading and internationally most active Swiss law firms. His publications include a book on comparative legal reasoning and a wide range of journal articles and chapters on legal theory, judiciary, banking and contract law, both in English and German. For his paper Legal Reasoning: Arguments from Comparison, he received the ARSP Best Article Prize 2017.
Honours and Awards:
ARSP Best Article Prize (2017), Honorary Member of the Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (2017), Holcim Fellow (2016), Freshfields Scholar (University of Oxford, 2014/15), UNIDROIT Scholar (University of Oxford, 2014/15), JPS Fellow (2011), SNF Fellow (2010), Gustave Dubois Prize (2006)
Research Interests:
Law of finance and financial regulation, contract law, comparative law, legal theory, legal linguistics
Research Projects:
Financial Innovation before Civil Courts – A Historical, Comparative, and Theoretical Analysis, Oriental Scholar Research Project
Selected Publications:
“Critical Legal Orientalism. Rethinking the Comparative Discourse on Chinese Law,” 67 (2019) American Journal of Comparative Law (forthcoming, Issue 4) (Reviewed article)
“Legal Reasoning: Arguments from Comparison,” 102 (2016) Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (ARSP), 476–507 (Reviewed article) (awarded the ARSP Best Article Prize 2017, open access)
“Judicial Decision-Making Today. The Swiss Perspective,” in Jürgen Basedow, Holger Fleischer, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.): Legislators, Judges, and Professors, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016, 65–95
“Gesetzgebungsstrategie des neuen AGB-Rechts,”133 (2014) Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht (ZSR), 45–72 (Reviewed article) [The Legislative Strategy for the New Law on Standard Contract Terms]
Rechtsvergleichende Argumentation. Phänomenologie der Veranderung im rechtlichen Diskurs, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2012 [Comparative Legal Reasoning]
Reviewed by:
Ulfrid Neumann, 2018 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (ARSP), 449–52
H.C.F. Schoordijk, Realistische en pragmatische rechtsvinding, Nijmegen: Wolf 2014, 29–30
Stelio Mangiameli, 2014 Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 1186–90
A. Kohl, 2013 Revue de droit international et de droit comparé, 644–6
Ralph Christensen, 2013 Juristen Zeitung (JZ), 354–5
Courses Taught:
Private international law, Western legal culture, English legal writing
Other Professional Activities: