“Land Without Identifiable Ownership” in the Post-East Japan Earthquake Recovery: Lawful Land-Grabbing in Neoliberal Japan
金子由芳 (Yuka Kaneko),神户大学
This paper, with a focus on the status of tsunami disaster victims affected by the 2011 East Japan Earthquake, investigates into the status of private property rights in facing with the reviving legal instrumentalism in Japan, under the campaign of land law reform for the elimination of “land without identifiable owners” in the name of facilitating the disaster recovery, by means of the “special zone” method or the designation of lawless areas where the normal time law is excluded, with the particularly targeted area for such exclusion being the constitutional requirements of due process and fair compensation in public taking. Under the extraordinary setting of absolute majority of conservative party at the National Diet in the aftermath of the 2011 great disaster, legislations in Japan during this decade have been characterized by a manifestation of neo-liberal policy, driving the entire Japanese legal system into a corner. Facts observed in present Japanese society are not different from those observed in other authoritarian regimes in Asia, including the phenomenon of “land grabbing” by the governmental projects, which Asia once experienced a century ago for the colonial land enclosure by “wasteland management.”
Keywords: land registration, disaster recovery, Civil Code of Japan, land-grabbing, legal instrumentalism
Collective Voice without Collective Bargaining: Pandemic Induced Wage Theft Claims and Worker Responses in Apparel Supply Chains
阿查莉·库马拉热(Achalie Kumarage),澳洲国立大学、伍伦贡大学
Concentrated corporate power and failures to manage the distribution of risk mean that workers bear the heaviest burden in globalised apparel supply chains. Law and associated normative frameworks seek to strengthen collective worker voice and other worker rights to tip the scales of unequal bargaining power to benefit the workers. However, some of the traditional tools of labour law such as unionising and collective bargaining have weakened over the years and exacerbated during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Using a conceptual framework based on regulatory theory, feminist insights, and semi- autonomous social fields, this article examines the law-practice gap for regulating just wages within the apparel supply chain, responses, and how workers fight wage theft and carve out pathways to demand just wage standards. Drawing from the case of Sri Lanka, the article discusses how alternative forms of worker voice seek to fill in the implementation gaps. The findings of this study demonstrate worker initiatives to shape the regulation of just wages and how networked labour activism, especially by women workers, prompts to re-imagine structures of actor accountability on wage rights.
Keywords: apparel supply chains, labour rights, women workers, networked regulation, semi- autonomous social fields
关键词: 服装供应链,劳工权利,女工,多网联合规制,半自治社会领域
A Dynamic Theory of Prosecutorial Roles in Adversarial Trials
阿鲁希·加尔格 (Arushi Garg),剑桥大学犯罪学研究所
Prosecutors in adversarial systems are simultaneously expected to be impartial ministers of justice and partisan advocates. Leaving this tension unaddressed can result in poor-quality prosecutorial decision-making. This article develops a novel “dynamic” framework for prosecutors to navigate between and prioritize these competing considerations, which can be used to understand, evaluate, and improve prosecutorial performance. Under this framework, the prioritization should depend on which function the prosecutor is exercising at any given time. The article then deploys primary data collected in Delhi, through court observation and interviews with judges, lawyers, victims, and victim-support persons, to exemplify and justify the framework.
Keywords: criminal justice, prosecutors, victims, trials, adversarial systems, India
关键词: 刑事司法,检察官,受害者,审判,对抗性诉讼制度,印度
Baffled Labelling: Making Sense of the Intertwined Relationship between Fundraising Fraud and Illegally Taking in Deposits from the General Public in Chinese Criminal Law
Yu Mou,伦敦大学亚非学院法学院
Fundraising fraud is one of the most serious and complicated financial crimes in China. It has an intertwined relationship with a regulatory offence, known as illegally taking in deposits from the general public (ITIDFGP). In judicial practice, ITIDFGP works as the downgraded form of fundraising fraud. This article explores why fundraising fraud is identified as financial fraud whereas ITIDFGP is a regulatory offence. The paper discerns the essence of fraud in Chinese criminal law and critically examines the concept of “intention to possess illegally.” It argues that ITIDFGP should be classified as a form of fraud de jure, although, in reality, there are policy considerations behind its categorization as a regulatory offence. The paper also suggests that the role played by the socioeconomic policy in Chinese criminal-law legislation should be fully acknowledged.
Keywords: fundraising fraud, illegally taking in deposits from the general public, financial fraud, Chinese criminal law
关键词: 集资诈骗,非法吸收公众存款,金融诈骗,中国刑法
Polyjuralism Meets Polyglotism: An LL.B. in Chinese Law and Global Legal Studies in the English Language
唐晓晴(Io Cheng Tong),澳门大学法学院;罗斯坦·J·纽沃斯(Rostam J. Neuwirth),澳门大学法学院全球法律研究系;李可(Ke Li),澳门大学法学全球法律研究系
The omnipresence of change has been singled out as posing an important challenge to law, both in theory and in practice, throughout its history. Arguably, the most efficient method of adapting the law to constant changes is legal education. Recent changes in the global arena have added to the complexity of the expected role of future legal talents, requiring them to acquire not only a profound knowledge of local and global laws but also a variety of legal as well as non-legal skills. This article presents some of the principal challenges faced by law schools and legal education in the world of today. These challenges are then explored using the example of a new Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree programme in Chinese Law and Global Legal Studies in the English Language that will be offered by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau in Macao, China.
Keywords: legal education, future law, Chinese law, global legal studies, polyjuralism, polyglotism
Science of Norms as the Next Phase of the Sociology of Law and Socio-Legal Scholarship - Sociology of Law as the Science of Norms. By Hakan Hyden, New York: Routledge, 2022, 328 pp. Paperback, US$52.00
《作为规范科学的法律社会学》,作者:Hakan Hyden
Justice and Rape Trials in Rural India - Semiotics of Rape: Sexual Subjectivity and Violation in Rural India. By Rupal Oza. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2023. xxvii + 208 pp. $99.95
《强奸的符号学:印度农村的性主体性与侵犯行为》,作者:Rupal Oza