【作者】大卫·M·楚贝克 等
This Article was prepared for the National Conference on the Lawyer's Changing Role in Resolving Disputes, October 1982, at Harvard Law School. This Article reports some of the principal findings of the Civil Litigation Research Project (CLRP). CLRP was funded under United States Department of Justice Contract JAOIA-79-0040 and National Institute for Justice Contract J-LEAA-003-82 with supplemental support from the University of Wisconsin Law and Graduate Schools. The results of this study are set forth in D. Trubek, W. Felstiner, J. Grossman, H. Kritzer & A. Sarat, Civil Litigation Research Project: Final Report (Mar. 1983) (University of Wisconsin Law School). The entire report consists of a summary and three volumes. Volume I is entitled Studying the Civil Litigation Process: The CLRP Experience; Volume II is entitled Civil Litigation as the Investment of Lawyer Time, and Volume III is entitled Other Studies of Civil Litigation and Dispute Processing. This Article summarizes aspects of the report, principally those in Volume II. The views contained herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or policy of the United States Department of Justice. The authors acknowledge the contribution of the entire CLRP staff in all phases of the work reported on, but wish especially to thank Elizabeth McNichol for her assistance in data analysis, Jeanette Holz for typing, and Richard Miller, Stephen McDougal, Robert Sikorski, Kristin Bumiller, Laura Guy and James McLaughlin for research assistance.