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2014年06月13日 预览:
讲座一:An Overview of the Rule of Law
主持人:林彦 副教授(上海交通大学凯原法学院)
评论人: 季卫东 院长、教授(上海交通大学凯原法学院)
Carl Minzner 副教授(美国Fordham法学院)
This lecture will provide an overview of the meanings, elements, and implications of the rule of law. I begin with a brief history, explaining the medieval origins of the notion that the sovereign must abide by the law. Then I describe two main streams of thought on the rule of law: substantive and formal. After indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the substantive version, I concentrate on the formal version, laying out its basic elements and requirements. I close with a few words about the limitations of the rule of law.
讲座二:The Growing Crisis in American Legal Education
主持人:林彦 副教授(上海交通大学凯原法学院)
评论人: 沈明 博士、讲师(上海财经大学法学院)
Neysun Mahboubi 研究员(美国宾夕法尼亚大学)
In the past decade, the total number of applicants to law school in America has dropped by almost half: from 100,000 in 2004 to 54,000 in 2014. Owing to the collapse in applicants, many American law schools now face severe financial distress. Law schools are enrolling fewer students and are reducing tuition or offering higher discounts to attract students, which results in dramatically lower revenues. Some law schools likely will close. I explain why American law schools have found themselves in this position, and what legal education will look like going forward. 
塔玛纳哈教授是在美国密苏里州圣路易市的华盛顿大学法学院的William Gardiner Hammond Professor of Law,他在法律理论和法律教育等方面撰写了多部非常有影响的获奖著作,其《论法治》等代表作已被译成中文。