1. 资格:参赛论文须符合如下标准:
A. 作者在提交论文时必须是高等院校中法学、社会科学或其他相关学科的研究生学位候选人或在读研究生;
B. 对于合著论文,所有作者均须符合上述A项标准;
C. 论文是作者在攻读上述研究生学位或作为上述研究生学位候选人期间撰写和完成的;
D. 论文必须用英文撰写;
E. 论文的主题应与亚洲的法与社会相关,但关于社会-法律理论、方法或者关于亚洲与其他地区的比较的优秀论文也将被考虑。
2. 投稿流程:请将论文以Microsoft Word文档形式发送至 student-award@asianjls.org。在提交论文的邮件中,请注明:(1)您具有参与本次竞赛的意愿,(2)您目前是一名在读研究生,以及(3)您尚未将该论文提交给AsianJLS或者任何其他期刊用于发表。每名学生仅限提交一篇论文。提交的论文必须包含扉页,其中注明:作者所在单位、邮寄地址、电子邮箱、不超过200字的论文摘要以及论文字数。提交论文的总字数(含脚注和参考文献)不得超过10000字。
3. 提交截止时间:2024年7月31日晚11:59分(上海时间,GMT+8)。
4. 结果公布:2024年9月中下旬
5. 颁奖典礼:颁奖典礼将在2024年ALSA年会闭幕式上举办。时间为2024年12月12日,地点为韩国首尔。
6. 奖励福利:获胜论文将在修改后发表于AsianJLS上。如有获得荣誉提名奖的论文,该论文将获邀投稿至AsianJLS(但是不保证发表)。获胜者将获得ALSA提供的150美元的现金奖励以及上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)提供的价值150美元的书券。获胜者和荣誉提名奖获得者将获得2025年和2026年两个年度的免费ALSA会员资格,并且获得在上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院以学生研究助理或者博士后研究员身份工作的资格。
张泰苏(Taisu Zhang),美国耶鲁法学院教授(主席)
夏腊(Sarah Biddulph), 澳大利亚墨尔本大学法学院教授
程金华(Jinhua Cheng),中国上海交通大学法学院教授
施慧玲(Amy Huey-ling Shee),中国台湾地区中正大学法律系教授
马天赐(Matthias Vanhullebusch),比利时哈塞尔特大学法律系教授
另外,还有两名前一年度获奖者浙江大学光华法学院的研究生叶军舒(Junshu Ye)和李欣睿(Xinrui Li)也将作为特邀代表参加评选活动。
AsianJLS-ALSA 2024 Graduate Student Paper Competition
To support the next generation of socio-legal scholars studying topics related to Asia, the Asian Journal of Law and Society (AsianJLS) and the Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) have jointly established an annual competition for the best paper in the field of law and society written by a graduate student.
1. Eligibility: To be eligible for this competition, a paper must meet the following criteria.
A. The author is a candidate/student enrolled in a postgraduate degree program in law, social sciences, or other related disciplines in an institution of higher education at the time of submission;
B. For a co-authored paper, all authors must comply with item A above;
C. The paper was written and completed during the author's/authors' candidature in the above-mentioned postgraduate program;
D. The paper must be written in English;
E. The paper should be on a topic related to law and society in Asia, but excellent papers on socio-legal theory, method, or comparative topics between Asia and other regions will also be considered.
2. Submission procedure: Send submissions to as a Microsoft Word document to student-award@asianjls.org. In the submission email, please indicate that (1) you intend to be considered in the competition, (2) you are currently a student in a postgraduate program, and (3) you have not submitted your article to the AsianJLS or any other journals for publication. Submissions are limited to one paper per student. Submissions must include a title page with the author’s institutional affiliation, mailing address, email address, an abstract of no more than 200 words, and a word count of the paper. The total length of submissions, including footnotes and references, must not exceed 10,000 words.
3. Deadline for submission: 11:59 PM, 31 July 2024 (Shanghai time, GMT+8)
4. Announcement of results: Around mid to late September 2024.
5. Award ceremony: An award ceremony will be held at the closing session of the 2024 ALSA Annual Meeting on 12 December, 2024, at Seoul.
6. Award benefits: The Winner paper will be published in the AsianJLS after revisions. If there is any Honorable Mention paper, the paper will be invited for submission to the AsianJLS (with no guarantee of publication). The Winner recipient will receive a cash prize of U$150 from ALSA and U$150 worth of book vouchers provided by the China Institute for Socio-Legal Studies (CISLS), Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Winner and Honorable Mention recipients will receive free ALSA membership for the two calendar years of 2025 and 2026. They will also be provided the opportunity to work at CISLS either as student Research Associate or as Postdoctoral Fellow.
The 2024 AsianJLS-ALSA Graduate Student Paper Competition Committee
Prof. Taisu Zhang, Yale Law School (Chair)
Prof. Sarah Biddulph, Law School of Melbourne University
Prof. Jinhua Cheng, Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Prof. Amy Huey-ling Shee, Faculty of Law, Chung Cheng University
Prof. Matthias Vanhullebusch, Faculty of Law, Hasselt University
(the committee members are sorted by phonetic initials of last names)
Specially invited reviewer: Prize Winners 2023 Junshu Ye & Xinrui Li (Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University)