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2021年10月18日 来源:中国法与社会研究院 预览:





Call for Papers: 

Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Law and Society, 

on “Comparative Legal History in the Asian Context”

We invite paper submissions to a special issue of the Asian Journal of Law and Society (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/asian-journal-of-law-and-society), planned for publication in early 2023.  The issue’s theme is “Comparative Legal History in the Asian Context,” with “comparative” defined very broadly, covering not only traditional comparative methodologies, but also many forms of transnational history and interdisciplinary studies.  There are no temporal or geographical preferences, and papers that focus primarily on one Asian legal system—but engage in some secondary comparison with other systems (not necessarily Asian ones)—are completely welcome.  Papers that focus only on a single legal system may, however, be at some disadvantage during the review process. 

We ask that papers not exceed 12,000 words (citations included) and we plan to include eight to ten papers. If interested, please send an expression of interest to contribute (including the proposed topic and an abstract about 500 words of the paper) before November 30, 2021 to both issue editors, Taisu Zhang (taisu.zhang@yale.edu) and Li Chen (lc.chen@utoronto.ca). The completed draft paper should be sent to the editors before January 31, 2022. We will send out acceptance or rejection notifications, along with any revision suggestions, within two months of the submissions deadline. Fully formatted final drafts are expected back by September 30, 2022.  Questions about this process or the scope of the CFP can be addressed to either one of the issue editors. We may schedule a virtual workshop via Zoom for all the contributors to present the draft papers and receive feedback in summer 2022. Depending on the thematical and methodological connections, some of the accepted papers might also be included in an edited book on a related topic.

《亚洲法与社会杂志》(Asian Journal of Law and Society)是由上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)及其前身法社会学研究中心(LSC)为凯原法学院与剑桥大学出版社合作出版的全英文学术期刊。目前订购数超过8500户,其中超过6000是机构订户。仅在剑桥出版社的期刊平台,仅在2018年,这份新兴期刊的全文下载数就达到10000次以上。据最近获得的权威信息,本刊在SCOPUS引文数据库排行榜已经上升到第二方阵,也已经被纳入ESCI (Emerging Scholars Citation Index)引文数据库,并有望在2021年左右达到SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) 数据库的收录标准。