1. Visa (1) Home Return Permit for Residents in Hong Kong and Macao Residents in Hong Kong and Macao must apply for "Home Return Permit". Residents in Hong Kong should apply it from China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited (http://www.ctshk.com/passport/bookrep.htm). Residents in Macao should do it from China Travel Service (Macau) Limited (http://www.cts.com.mo/visa/htm/vs_t1.htm). (2) Mainland Travel Permit for Residents in Taiwan Residents in Taiwan have to apply for “MainlandTravelPermit”. You may make the application when you get off your flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. More information is available at http://101vision.com/TKT/T-CN/SHA.HTM, or you can call the 24 hour hotline of Shanghai Pudong International Airport (0086-21-6834-6939, 6834-1000, 6268-8916) (3) Type F Visa
1. Conference Venue LawBuilding, Xuhui Campus, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Huashan Road1954, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030, China [Google Map] A Law Building 2. Accommodation In order to facilitate your accommodation for this conference, we can help you to book hotels at special rates with our partner hotels. If you would like to do so, please contact Ms. Yiran Li(eals3rd_sjtu@163.com). In the following is theinformation of our partner hotels. 1. Hotels within the Xuhui Campus (1) Postgraduate Building (economic hotel) Standard Room: RMB 350 Yuan/night (breakfast not included) Double-bed Room A: RMB 300 Yuan/night (breakfast not included) Double-bed Room B: RMB 250 Yuan/night (breakfast not included) (2) Faculty Club (economic hotel)
Deadline for submitting abstractsor panel proposals: August 31st, 2012 Notification of acceptance: October 15th, 2012 Start of registration: October 31st, 2012 Preliminary conference program:early December 2012 Full Paper Submission: January 31, 2013 Conference days: March 22nd-23rd, 2013
Conference Programme:/Programme 3rd EALS FinaFina llll l.xls