为支持研究亚洲相关议题的下一代法社会学学者,《亚洲法与社会杂志》(AsianJLS)于2021 年发起一项年度竞赛,评选出由研究生撰写的法与社会领域的最佳论文。自 2022 年起,该奖项由AsianJLS会同亚洲法与社会研究会(Asian Law & Society Association, ALSA)联合主办。
所有投稿均由 AsianJLS 编辑和特邀专家组成的委员会进行评估。
作者将获得由ALSA提供的 150 美元现金以及由剑桥大学出版社和上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院(CISLS)提供的价值 150 美元的电子书券。获胜者论文经修改后将在期刊上发表。荣誉提名奖获得者也将获邀向该期刊投稿(但是不保证发表)。获胜者和荣誉提名奖获得者还将获得两个年度的免费ALSA会员资格,并有机会获得在 CISLS 以学生研究助理或博士后研究员身份工作的资格。
2023年度获胜者:浙江大学光华法学院 Junshu Ye和Xinrui Li ,论文题为《超越文化解释主义:中国农村外嫁女土地权被剥夺问题分析》。
2023年度荣誉提名者:清华大学法学院 Hongquan He(何洪全),论文题为《中国行政诉讼改革的成效:基于580000份判决书的案例研究》。
获胜者:澳大利亚国立大学规制与全球治理学院的博士研究生Achalie M. Kumarage,论文题为《没有集体谈判的集体声音:新冠疫情在服装供应链中引发的工资窃取诉求以及工人回应》。
荣誉提名者:芝加哥大学社会学系博士候选人Xiangyi Ren(任相宜),论文题为《中国知识生产和立法的多种形式》。
获胜者:纽约大学媒体、文化与传播系博士候选人Salwa Tabassum Hoque,论文题为《法律与数字化:追溯现代认识论与权力》。
Announcement of the Winner of 2023 AsianJLS Graduate Student Paper Competition
To support the next generation of socio-legal scholars studying topics related to Asia, the Asian Journal of Law and Society (AsianJLS) in 2021 launched an annual competition for the best paper in the field of law and society written by a graduate student and from 2022 this prize has been co-sponsored by the Asian Law & Society Association.
The author must be a student enrolled in a postgraduate program in law, social sciences, or other related disciplines when the paper was submitted. Coauthored papers with one or more faculty members are not eligible, but coauthored papers by two or more graduate students are eligible. Papers focusing on law and society in Asia are especially encouraged, and excellent papers on other socio-legal topics will also be considered.
All submissions are evaluated by a committee consisting of AsianJLS editors and invited experts.
The author(s) will receive USD$150 cash provided by the Asian Law & Society Association and USD$150 e-books provided by Cambridge University Press and the China Institute for Socio-Legal Studies (CISLS), Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The winner's paper will be published in the journal after revisions. Any Honourable mention recipient will also be invited for submission to the journal (with no guarantee of publication). The authors of the winning paper and any Honourable mention will also be given two years of free Asian Law & Society Association membership and offered the opportunity to work at CISLS either as student Research Associate or as Postdoctoral Fellow for two years.
2023 Winner:Junshu Ye & Xinrui Li (Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University) for "Beyond Cultural Interpretivism: Analysis of the Deprivation of Land Rights of Married Out Women in Rural China."
2023 Honorable Mention:Hongquan He (School of Law, Tsinghua University) for "The Effectiveness of Administrative Litigation Reform in China: A Case Study of 580,000 Judgment Records."
Past winners:
The 2022 winner was Achalie Kumarage (a PhD Candidate at the School of Regulation and Global Governance, Australian National University) for "Collective voice without collective bargaining: Pandemic induced wage theft claims and worker responses in apparel supply chains."
Honourable Mention was given to Xiangyi Ren (a PhD Candidate at the Department of Sociology, University of Chicago) for "Divergent forms of knowledge production and law-making in China".
Salwa Tabassum Hoque (a Ph.D. candidate in Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University (NYU)) for "Law and Digitality: Tracing Modern Epistemologies and Power".