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A Warm Welcome to Prof. Teubner
2012-09-03 from:LSC preview:



Professor Gunther Teubner

Professor Gunther Teubner, the Adviser of LSC, and a distinguished Law & Society Scholar, will visit KoGuan Law School and LSC of SJTU from Spet.16 to 22, 2012. Prof. Teubner will give a lecture at KoGuan Law School and discuss the core topics of the law and society movement in China with research fellows and graduate students of LSC, etc.

For more information, please visit:  http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/En/ or  http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/Pages/Detail.aspx?id=1053.
 Lecture: http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/En/Detail.aspx?id=1056
 Lecture(Chinese): http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/Pages/Detail.aspx?id=1058
 Socio-Legal Workshop: http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/En/Detail.aspx?id=1057
 Socio-Legal Workshop(Chinese): http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/Pages/Detail.aspx?id=1059
Lecture news(Chinese): http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/Pages/Detail.aspx?id=1083
News: http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/En/Detail.aspx?id=1089
News(Chinese): http://www.socio-legal.sjtu.edu.cn/Pages/Detail.aspx?id=1084
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