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      About the Organizers - The Third East Asian Law & Society Conference

      Conference Organizers: Law & Society Center (LSC), KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Collaborative Research Network 33 East Asian Law and Society (CRN-EALS), Law & Society Association Conference Co-Organizers: The Center for Jurisprudence Research of Jilin University The Sponsors: The Center for East Asian Studies at UW-Madison Steering & Advisory Committee of CRN-EALS: Setsuo Miyazawa (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) Weidong Ji (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Kay-Wah Chan (Macquarie University, Australia) Hiroshi Fukurai (University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A.) Eric Feldman (University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) Chulwoo Lee (Yonsei University, Korea) Mami Hiraike Okawara (Takasaki C

      The Third East Asian Law & Society Conference

      The Third East Asian Law & Society Conference "Building the Asian Socio-Legal Community: Theoretical Visions and Empirical Challenges" The East Asian Law & Society Conference will make its debut in Shanghai during 22-23 March 2013. This dynamic city has always been an excellent place for the exchange of brilliant ideas. Following the spirit of the previous two conferences, the Third East Asian Law & Society Conference covers a wide spectrum of subjects related to theoretical visions and empirical challenges confronted by the Asian Socio-Legal Community. The conference will be hosted by KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Distinguished scholars from around the world will be invited to make keynote speeches, and the conference will provide a platform for discussion among scholars and students across the world who are interested in the developm

      The 2012 International Conference on Law and Society

      The conference news (Chinese) (link) Attendance Planning(English)(link) The program committee article (Chinese and English)(link) The preliminary program (Chinese and English) (link) The invitation letter (Chinese) (link) Announcing the 2012 International Conference on Law and Society (Chinese and English) (link) The contributions from LSC (Chinese) (link)

      The Chinese Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization Conference

      The conference agenda (link) The conference agenda (Chinese) (link) The conference news(Chinese) (link)

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