In a highly flattering letter Mr. Justice Holmes has suggested a criticism of my book on the sociology of law (Grundlegung der Soziologie des Rechts) in that he finds therein no reference to Montesquieu.I accept the criticism, but beg that no inference may be drawn therefrom, since in my eagerness to explain my own views on the sociology of law I neglected to give a full account of the history of the subject. But my reverence for the author of L'Esprit des Lois is very great. Hence in this paper, seeking to pay due honorto the illustrious American jurisconsult, I shall endeavor to make amends for the omission and to render justice to one of the first sociologists of the past in the only way worthy of his genius, namely, by telling the whole truth about him, as I see it, not sparing necessary criticisms.……