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Announcement of the Winner of 2022 AsianJLS Graduate Student Paper Competition
2022-10-04 from:中国法与社会研究院 preview:

The Asian Journal of Law and Society and the Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) are pleased to announce the results of their joint Graduate Student Paper Competition in 2022.

The Winner is a paper titled “Collective voice without collective bargaining: Pandemic induced wage theft claims and worker responses in apparel supply chains” and written by Achalie M. Kumarage, a Ph.D. student in the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) at the Australian National University. This paper focuses on worker wage and normative standards for workers to negotiate wage rights. Drawing from the case of Sri Lanka, it closely examines the law-practice gap for worker voice within the semi-autonomous social field of the apparel supply chains and responses, particularly, by women workers. The paper will be published in a future issue of the Asian Journal of Law and Society after revisions.

The Honorable Mention is a paper titled “Divergent Forms of Knowledge Production and Law-Making in China” and written by Xiangyi Ren, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago. This paper uses the cases of environmental and consumer public interest litigations in China to provide an alternative approach to illustrate social movement organizations’ engagement in the lawmaking process. It shows how the ways in which legal knowledge is produced shape the context and interaction not only during the ultimate lawmaking process, but also during the implementation of law prior to the ultimate legislation.

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