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Social Cognitive and Behavioral Studies: Salon Series II
2013-10-14 from:Li Xueyao preview:
Conference of Interdisciplinary Perspective on Law and Justice
Law and Society Center of SJTU
Instituteof SocialCognitive and Behavioral Studies
Tuesday, 22th October, 2013 
Room 203, KoGuan Law Building, Xuhui Campus, SJTU


Welcome Address (Chinese):Chairing:GE Yan, Professor, Laboratory of Social Cognitive & Decision-making, IHA, SJTU  
8:30-8:40 ZHENG Chengliang, Professor & Chair of Academic Committee of Humanities and Social Sciences, SJTU  
8:40-8:50 JIANG Hong, Professor & Acting Director of Institute of Social Cognitive and Behavioral Studies,SJTU
8:50-9:00 JI Weidong, Chair Professor & Dean of KoGuan Law School,SJTU


Session I: The Institution and Ethics under the Viewpoint of Behavioral Science English
Chairing:QIN Yulin, Visiting University Professor of KoGuan Law School
9:00-9:40 Keynote Speech:Masahiko AOKI, Tomoye and Henri Takahashi Professor Emeritus,Stanford University
           On Institutional Change: Theory and Comparative, Historical Cases of China and Japan
9:40-10:00 Discussant:JI Weidong, Chair Professor
10: 00-10:10   Tea Break
10:10-10:45 GE Yan, Professor 
           Lifting the Veil:  Experimental Investigations of Rawlsian Distributive Justice
10:45-11:05 Discussant: ZHANG Zhimei, Professor & Senior Associate Editor, Social Sciences in China  
11:05 - 11:40 YE Hang, Professor of Economics & Director of Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Social Sciences, Zhejiang University 
           The Price of Lies: Why We Do Not Always Choose to Cheat
11:40-12:00 Discussant: SUN Di, Professor of Business, California State University, Long Beach 
12:00-13:30 Lunch, First Floor, Faculty Club


Session II: Experimental and Interdisciplinary Examinations of Justice (Chinese & English)


Chairing:JIANG Hong, Professor 
13:30-14:00 Robert JACOB, Professor of Facultés unversitaires Saint-Louis Louis
Li Bin,Professor of Law School,Beijing Normal University
            Judgment under Heaven: the Comparison of Judicial Idea History between China and Europe
14:00-14:15 Discussant: CHENG Jinhua, Professor of University of East China Law and Political Sciences
14:15-14:45 CHENG Fan, Professor of Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology& WU Xuyang, Lecturer of Law School, Xiamen University
             The Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Science
14:45-15:00 Discussant: CHEN Yefeng, Lecturer of School of Economics & Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Social Sciences,Zhejiang University
15:00 - 15:30 BIN Kai, Lecturer of KoGuan Law School, SJTU  
              The Justice in the LuhmannSocial System Theory
15:30-15:45:Discussant:GU Zhuxuan, Associate Professor of KoGuan Law School, SJTU
Lu Yufeng, Lecturer of Professor of University of East China Law and Political Sciences
15:45-16:00 Tea Break
16:00-16:30 FAN Liangcong, Lecturer of Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University
                The Bias of Justice Angel: An Experiment on Avoidance System
16:30-16:45 Discussant:GUAN Yiping, Professor of Antai College of Economics and Management, SJTU
16:45-17:15 LI Xueyao, Professor of KoGuan Law School, SJTU 
          The Fragile Justice:The Influence of Cognitive Fluency in Judicial Decisions
17:15-17:30 Discussant:WANG Linghao, Lecturer of Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University
17:30-18:00 Q & A


18:00-20:00 Banquet, Faculty Club
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