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Socio-Legal Workshop: December 23, 2011
2011-12-18 preview:

Cross-Boundary Flow of Lawyers in China

December 23, 2011 9:00am

Room 401 of KoGuan Law School

Minhang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

          Liu Sida 

 Liu Sida is a sociologist specializing in law and society, sociology of professions, and contemporary Chinese society, with broad interests in social theory and qualitative/historical methods. He has a law degree from PekingUniversity(2002) and a Ph.D. degree in sociology from the Universityof Chicago(2009). Now the deputy director Liu Sida is the Research Fellow at Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuanLawSchool, he is also Assistant Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

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