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Lecture: June 8, 2011
2011-06-02 preview:

Lawyering for Ordinary People: The New Role for Law School Clinics

June 8, 2011 6:30pm

Room 121 of ChenRuiqiu Building

Minhang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

    Louise G. Trubek 

 Louise G. Trubek is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and the Yale Law School. Now, she is an Emerita Clinical Professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Louise is an active scholar and teacher in the fields of health law, public interest law, and regulation and governance. She is publishing three articles in 2011. The recent articles are: "Improving Cancer Outcomes Through Strong Networks and Regulatory Frameworks: Lessons from the United States and the European Union" Journal of Health Care Law and Policy spring 2011 (with others); Public Interest Law: Facing the Problems of Maturity, University of Arkansas/Little Rock Law Review 2011; New Roles to Solve Old Problems: Lawyering for Ordinary people in Today's Context" New York Law Journal 2011(with Marsha Mansfield). Louise is a co-organizer of a Law and Society sponsored International Research Collaboration on Reflective Practitioners/Public Interest Law.She is coordinating the IRC with Scott Cummings (UCLA) and Frank Munger (New York Law School) 

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