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Asian Journal of Law and Society (AsianJLS)
2014-09-05 preview:



A New Journal for 2014
The KoGuan Law School of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (http://en.law.sjtu.edu.cn/) and Cambridge University Press (http://www.cambridge.org) are pleased to announce the launch of a new English journal:
Asian Journal of Law and Society
Professor Setsuo Miyazawa, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Professor David Engel, State University of New York, USA
Professor Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago, USA
Professor Weidong Ji, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Professor Jan Michiel Otto, Leiden University, The Netherlands
The Asian Journal of Law and Society adds an increasingly important Asian perspective to global law and society scholarship. This independent, peer-reviewed publication encourages empirical and multi-disciplinary research and welcomes articles on law and its relationship with society in Asia, articles bringing an Asian perspective to socio-legal issues of global concern, and articles using Asia as a starting point for a comparative exploration of law and society topics. Its coverage of Asia is broad and stretches from East Asia, South Asia and South East Asia to Central Asia. A unique combination of a base in Asia and an international editorial team creates a forum for Asian and Western scholars to exchange ideas of interest to Asian scholars and professionals, those working in or on Asia, as well as all working on law and society issues globally.
We invite scholars and practitioners who engage, beyond disciplinary boundaries, with socio-legal questions in an Asian context to submit their contributions by email with “AJLS Article/Name”
as subject line to the editors of the Journal: editors@asianjls.org

AJLS Submission Guidelines and Stylesheet

The Asian Journal of Law and Society (AsianJLS) adds an increasingly important Asian perspective to global law and society scholarship. This independent, peer-reviewed publication encourages empirical and multi-disciplinary research and welcomes articles on law and its relationship with society in Asia, articles bringing an Asian perspective to socio-legal issues of global concern, and articles using Asia as a starting point for a comparative exploration of law and society topics. Its coverage of Asia is broad and stretches from East Asia, South Asia and South East Asia to Central Asia. A unique combination of a base in Asia and an international editorial team creates a forum for Asian and Western scholars to exchange ideas of interest to Asian scholars and professionals, those working in or on Asia, as well as all working on law and society issues globally.